earthquake magnitude

earthquake magnitude [ˈə:θkweik ˈmæɡnitju:d]  [ˈɜrθˌkweɪk ˈmæɡnɪˌtud] 

earthquake magnitude 基本解释
earthquake magnitude 网络解释

1. 震级:震级(earthquake magnitude)是表示地震本身大小的量度指标,是以地震仪测定的...震级(earthquake magnitude)是表示地震本身大小的量度指标,是以地震仪测定的每次地震活动释放的能量多少来确定的.

2. 地震规模:一般表示地震的大小,是用地震规模(earthquake magnitude)而非地震震度. 早期地震规模是根据震源距离的远近,采用地震记录中不同地震波振幅和周期来加以估算,因此地震仪特性、震波性质(如体波和表面波)及震源深浅远近界定出各种不同的地震规模.

3. 地震震级:地震烈度 earthquake intensity | 地震震级 earthquake magnitude | 施工荷载 constructional loading

4. 地基基础抗震地震震级:652 21. 地基基础抗震 地震烈度 earthquake intensity | 653 21. 地基基础抗震 地震震级 earthquake magnitude | 654 21. 地基基础抗震 地震卓越周期 seismic predominant period

earthquake magnitude 单语例句

1. earthquake magnitude在线翻译

1. The region's last magnitude 9 earthquake was in January 1700, destroying coastal Indian villages on Vancouver Island and creating tidal waves that reached Japan.

2. A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7 hit northern Peru late Sunday, causing power outages and cutting phone service throughout much of the region.

3. earthquake magnitude

3. In addition to the earthquake magnitude, global climate change may also have a bearing on the occurrence of tsunamis.

4. China has pledged to make the rebuilt schools the safest places in Sichuan, requiring their earthquake resistance to be one magnitude higher than other new buildings.

5. earthquake magnitude

5. He says a nuclear explosion originates from a much smaller source than an earthquake or conventional explosion of the same magnitude.

6. However, our county's history has no record of any earthquake of magnitude 5 or above.

7. Volunteers from the IFRC participated in relief work in Sichuan after the 8 magnitude earthquake jolted the province in May 2008.

8. The report said most could only stand up to a magnitude seven earthquake.

9. But experts believe another lower magnitude earthquake is likely to hit the region, as historical data show that two earthquakes often occur there at short intervals.

10. earthquake magnitude的意思

10. An earthquake of magnitude 5 or higher can cause damage when centered in a heavily populated area.
