
dysfunction [dɪs'fʌŋkʃn]  [dɪsˈfʌŋkʃən] 


dysfunction 基本解释


dysfunction 网络解释


1. 机能障碍:ed)内皮机能障碍(dysfunction)之证据以肱(brachial)都普勒测量之对内皮功能或脂肪型态(lipid profile)没有影响同时以 DE S 处理以延迟其精子生成(spermatogenesis)高金雀花碱(Genistein)对无大豆饮食之抵销效果(reversed effect)血浆中 FSH 浓度符合精子生成之比例(proportional to spermatogenesis)骨特异(Bone specific)之

2. 机能不良:这通常与胃的机能不良(dysfunction)有关系,例如胃酸不足,或者是胰腺的功能不足. 吸收不良是这样的,人体需要的饮食营养成分,包括氨基酸,被输送到大肠,然后随大便排出体外. 吸收不良可以通过低水平的苏氨酸以及其必须氨基酸来发现;

3. 逆機能:因此,要抑制在国际结构中派生出的逆机能(dysfunction)现象并非一件容易的事情. 一个国家在应对这种情况的时候所能采取的最好方法,就是去除或是抑制不利的因素,对其进行引导和处理,摸索出一条切实可行的道路,

dysfunction 词典解释

1. (关系、行为等的)不正常,异常
    If you refer to a dysfunction in something such as a relationship or someone's behaviour, you mean that it is different from what is considered to be normal.

    e.g. ...his severe emotional dysfunction was very clearly apparent.

2. 机能障碍
    If someone has a physical dysfunction, part of their body is not working properly.

    e.g. ...kidney and liver dysfunction.

dysfunction 单语例句

1. The researchers found erectile dysfunction to be almost as good a predictor for cardiovascular disease as a family history of heart attack.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. The drug can correct erectile dysfunction problems in many men, including those with prostate or cardiovascular disease.

3. After being given an injection using a drug from the Qiqihar No 2 Pharmaceutical Company, he showed symptoms of massive organ dysfunction and fell into a coma.

4. Some have theorized that erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease may be caused by the same underlying problem.

5. But clearly more affected is a silent dysfunction of glucose control, not something that suddenly begins after diabetes is diagnosed.

6. More than 10 percent of divorce cases center on sexual dysfunction, said a judge with the court.

7. The higher the dose of a statin, the more at risk a patient was from acute kidney failure and liver dysfunction.

8. The US Food and Drug Administration approved it to treat erectile dysfunction in 1998.

9. It further states that these compounds are useful in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and that one of the preferred compounds induces erections in impotent men.

10. dysfunction什么意思

10. Plans are under way for a trial to determine if similar results occur in humans given the drug widely used to treat erectile dysfunction.

dysfunction 英英释义



1. (medicine) any disturbance in the functioning of an organ or body part or a disturbance in the functioning of a social group

    e.g. erectile dysfunction
           sexual relationship dysfunction

    Synonym: disfunction
