



第三人称复数:dwarves; dwarfs


dwarfed 基本解释
dwarfed 网络解释


1. 矮子:duplication 抄本;附件 | dwarfed 矮子 | earnestness 争执;认真

dwarfed 单语例句

1. dwarfed

1. The question of Taiwan being " dwarfed " in the " Three Direct Links " process will not arise at all.

2. dwarfed

2. Behind a large wooden desk was a young woman, who seemed to be dwarfed by the desk's sheer enormity.

3. Our hunger for natural resources has dwarfed that of most other countries.

4. dwarfed

4. Although this figure was dwarfed by funds coming from the United States and Japan, inbound EU investment registered the fastest growth.

5. The grant is large, but is dwarfed by the school system's annual $ 12 billion budget.

6. The people's liberation monument Jiefangbei - once the landmark of the area - is now dwarfed by dozens of newly constructed skyscrapers.

7. I reminisce of my childhood that it was a monstrous statue, as I now stand dwarfed under the China Pavilion.

8. The question of who would be " dwarfed " simply did not arise.

9. Another photo depicted a residential quarter in Beijing where skyscrapers dwarfed several sprawling traditional buildings.

10. The central bank in recent years has endeavored to improve individuals and companies'credit awareness, which is still dwarfed by that in many western countries.
