dwarf star

dwarf star [dwɔ:f stɑ:]  [dwɔrf stɑr] 

dwarf star 基本解释
dwarf star 网络解释

1. 矮星:主要剧情:一场流星雨(meteor shower)中,一块矮星(dwarf star)碎片击中了月球,从而引发了地球上一系列的异常现象,比如:手机通讯信号全面中断,巨大的潮汐,偶尔出现的失重状态,等等.

2. 矮人之星:限值50点 需求等级:58 增加20点生命力矮人之星(Dwarf Star) 减少魔法伤害15点 戒指(Ring) 精力回复速度加快15% 资料片新增 增加精力上限值25点 增加40点生命力 需求等级:45 找到的金币数量增加70% 霜之渡鸭(Raven Frost) 受伤时,

3. (矮人之星)-------------------有:Raven Frost---------------(烏鴉之霜)------------------有 | Dwarf Star----------------(矮人之星)-------------------有 | Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band--(布索凯尔之戒)

dwarf star 单语例句

1. It features the continuing adventures of diminutive star Warwick Davis who plays an egomaniac dwarf who runs a talent agency for other dwarves.

2. Yet the red dwarf star it closely orbits is much smaller, dimmer and cooler than our sun.

3. dwarf star的意思

3. The red dwarf star it orbits can be seen on the left.
