
dusty [ˈdʌsti]  [ˈdʌsti] 




dusty 基本解释


形容词布满灰尘的; 尘状的; 浅灰色的; 枯燥无味的

dusty 反义词


dusty 相关例句


1. In the summer the town becomes very dusty.

dusty 网络解释

1. 塵土飛揚:同样的几个字母,因为拼写顺序的不同,可以表示两种完全不同的含义:一堆危险(danger)的东西只要排列整齐,就可以组成一个花园(garden一个脏屋子(dirty room)只要适当的整理一下就会成为一个干净整洁的宿舍(dormitory一个尘土飞扬(dusty)的地方只要经过打扫

2. 灰尘的:dustup 骚动 | dusty 灰尘的 | Dutch auction 拍卖

3. 积满灰尘的:dusty money 灰尘费 | dusty 积满灰尘的 | Dutch door 两截门

4. 达斯丁!达斯丁!达斯丁!达斯丁:-No, he's not! -'Cause we like Dusty.|-不,他不是! -因为我们喜欢达斯丁 | Dusty! Dusty! Dusty! Dusty!|达斯丁!达斯丁!达斯丁!达斯丁! | -Ugh! -Dusty! Dusty! Dusty....!|-啊! -达斯丁!达斯丁!达斯丁...!

dusty 词典解释

1. dusty在线翻译

1. (通常指因为少雨而)布满灰尘的,满是尘土的
    If places, roads, or other things outside are dusty, they are covered with tiny bits of earth or sand, usually because it has not rained for a long time.

    e.g. They started strolling down the dusty road in the moonlight.
    e.g. ...a dusty old car.

2. dusty在线翻译

2. (房子、物件等)覆有灰尘的,尘封的
    If a room, house, or object is dusty, it is covered with very small pieces of dirt.

    e.g. ...a dusty attic...
    e.g. The books looked faded, dusty and unused.

dusty 单语例句

1. Her chopper touched down in a dusty field at a provincial reconstruction team compound operated by New Zealand.

2. I have a feeling that the dusty scene will come alive any minute, but I'm more certain that Ci's eyes are moist with emotions.

3. dusty

3. A dusty roadside motel that opened in the United States 84 years ago has grown into a symbol of class an ocean away in China.

4. dusty的意思

4. For women who often use make up, do not wear heavy or colourful makeup during windy and dusty days.

5. Speaking in northern Kenya where thousands of Somalis are sheltering in dusty camps, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres said his organisation desperately needed more funds.

6. Dusty Lane is a sports copy editor who does not condone face slapping in most instances.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. The central government began working to control sources of sand and dust in June 2000 to prevent continuous sandstorms and dusty weather in North China.

8. dusty

8. People from the surrounding hills converge on the village's dusty streets to trade vegetables, socks and parts of animals only farmers know exist.

9. Dusty Lane is a sports copy editor who would like to wish his mom a happy birthday.

10. All that is left now are a few artefacts in a dingy museum and the dusty remains of the tombs themselves.

dusty 英英释义


1. lacking originality or spontaneity
    no longer new

    e.g. moth-eaten theories about race
           stale news

    Synonym: cold stale moth-eaten

2. covered with a layer of dust

    e.g. a dusty pile of books

    Synonym: dust-covered
