dust cover

dust cover [dʌst ˈkʌvə]  [dʌst ˈkʌvɚ] 

dust cover 基本解释

布罩; 书皮

dust cover 网络解释

1. 防尘套:第三步: 拔出大灯线组, 海马的大灯型号是H4, 三角插, 初次拔可能很难因为原厂出来时没有上过任何润滑剂所以非常紧, 拔的手好疼..因为当灯泡在座内时特别难拔所以我是先将灯泡连防尘套(DUST COVER)及线组整个取出后才顺利拔出的

2. 防尘罩:dust counter 测尘器,尘埃计数器 | dust cover 防尘罩 | dust-proof 防尘的,绝尘的

3. 防尘盖:Duplex cartridge [复头弹] | Dust cover [防尘盖] | Ear muffle [耳罩]

4. 避尘盖:Spare parts 配件,零件 | Dust cover 避尘盖 | Copper chain 铜链

dust cover 单语例句

1. Both programs also have important global implications because they increase vegetative cover, enhance carbon sequestration and reduce dust to other countries by controlling soil erosion.

2. Wear a dust mask to vacuum and cover bedroom vents with dense filtering material like cheesecloth.

3. dust cover

3. While keeping tea hot and keeping away dust, the cover keeps air flowing.

4. Many American and European buyers have to tackle the dust problem and they complain online that Apple won't cover the expenses for changing displays.

dust cover 英英释义

dust cover


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. a removable plastic protective covering for a piece of equipment

2. a large piece of cloth used to cover furniture that is not in use for a long period

    Synonym: dust sheet

3. a paper jacket for a book
    a jacket on which promotional information is usually printed

    Synonym: book jacket dust jacket dust wrapper
