
duologue ['dju:əlɒg]  ['dju:əˌlɒg] 

duologue 基本解释


duologue 网络解释


1. 对话:duodiode 双二极管 | duologue 对话 | duomo 大教堂

2. 对话剧:对话盒dialogbox | 对话剧duologue | 对话体的amebeanamoebeandialogicalinterlocutory

3. 对话/对话剧:duolite /离子交换树脂/ | duologue /对话/对话剧/ | duomo /大教堂/中央寺院/

duologue 双语例句

1. The particular charm of marriage is the duologue, the permanent conversation between two people who talk over everything.


2. FoxPro adopt to window, table, duologue frame and on. line help as the feature`s technology of the picture user interface and operating method and make it become the most popular software in the database management system.

3. The particular charm of marriage is the duologue, the permanent conversation between two people who talk over everything and everyone till death breaks the record.
    Cyril Connolly 婚姻的特殊魅力在于对话,在于两人之间那种纵论天地间一切人与事的永久的对话,这种对话只有死亡才能打破。

4. The particular charm of marriage is the duologue, the permanent conversation between two people whotalk over everything and everyone till death breaks the record.

5. Theparticular charm of marriage is the duologue, the permanentconversation between two people who talk over everything andeveryone till death breaks the record.

6. The prontpage interface of Web courseware includes glassiness buttons of course learning, course project, Web test and review, duologue between teacher and student, and user registration etc.

7. Simple concept and duologue in studies on geographical philosophy

duologue 英英释义



1. a part of the script in which the speaking roles are limited to two actors

2. a conversation between two persons

    Synonym: dialogue dialog
