
dunk [dʌŋk]  [dʌŋk] 






dunk 基本解释

及物动词将(食物)浸入液体; 将(某人或某物)在水中浸一下

及物/不及物动词(篮球) 把(球)扣入篮内,扣篮,灌篮

dunk 相关例句



1. Let's dunk in the pool before dinner.

dunk 网络解释


1. 灌篮:更是对目前越来越多的对韩国音乐感兴趣的美国人而开播,是美国第一家韩国音乐专门频道. 全球性通讯社美联社上月29日在发自中国香港的报导中称,宝儿有望担纲中国台湾制作的体育影片<<灌篮>>(Dunk)的女主角,和台湾顶级巨星周杰伦演对手戏.

2. 泡, 浸:pseudophotoesthesia 光幻觉 | dunk 泡, 浸 | complete baseline separation 在基线处完全分离

3. 灌篮(关系到灌篮动作的选择):Layup 上篮(关系到上篮动作的选择) | Dunk 灌篮(关系到灌篮动作的选择) | Standing Dunk 原地灌篮

dunk 词典解释

1. dunk的近义词

1. (将饼干、面包等)浸一浸,泡一泡
    If you dunk something such as a biscuit or a piece of bread in a drink or in soup, you dip it into the drink or soup before eating it.

    e.g. Many people dunk their foods in coffee, tea or milk.

2. dunk的意思

2. 浸;泡
    If you dunk something in a liquid, you put it in the liquid, especially for a particular purpose and for a short time.

    e.g. Dunk new plants in a bucket of water for an hour or so before planting.

dunk 单语例句

1. Prepare to dunk your tootsies in a tank of water and let tiny carp nibble away.

2. If you feel woozy and don't think you can handle the knife, just scrape the carrot clean and dunk in the dip.

3. Please place the crabs in the deep freeze for an hour or so before you dunk them in the wine marinade.

4. CLEVELAND - Every dribble, every dunk and every decision he makes is dissected.

5. Marion punctuated the spurt with a flying dunk after driving from the side.

6. dunk什么意思

6. " I don't think they dunk to show off, " Zhu said.

7. If our rock cakes were too much like their name, she taught us to dunk them in a hot cup of tea to soften them.

8. Different families also have chance to test their reactions, team work spirit and patience through hilarious competitions like fishing and slam dunk.

9. But the Magic rallied late to cut the lead to three with 26 seconds remaining in the fourth on a dunk by Howard.

10. The Sixers led with five minutes left before Pierce stole the ball near midcourt and took it in for a dunk.

dunk 英英释义


1. a basketball shot in which the basketball is propelled downward into the basket

    Synonym: dunk shot stuff shot


1. dip into a liquid while eating

    e.g. She dunked the piece of bread in the sauce

    Synonym: dip

2. immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate

    e.g. dip the garment into the cleaning solution
           dip the brush into the paint

    Synonym: dip souse plunge douse

3. make a dunk shot, in basketball

    e.g. He dunked the ball
