
dug [dʌg]  [dʌɡ] 





dug 基本解释



动词挖,掘( dig的过去式和过去分词 ); (如用铲、锨或推土机等)挖掘; 挖得; 寻找

dug 网络解释

1. 道格:将于今年11月10日发售DVD和蓝光影碟de皮克斯动画电影<<飞屋环游记>>将在其中收录de一支以片中会说话de狗狗道格(Dug)为主角de特别短片<<道格de特别任务(Dug's Special Mission)>>.

2. 挖掘:duffer 笨蛋 | dug 挖掘 | dugong 懦艮

3. 挖:enthusiasts 发烧友 | dug 挖 | huge 巨大的

dug 词典解释


dug 单语例句

1. But people dug out about 100 tons of sweet potatoes from his farm within an hour without buying almost any of the other vegetables.

2. The village has 151 wells dug by hand by several generations over a hundred years in the quest for water.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. A diversion ditch was dug to allow clean water to flow from upstream to bypass the leak area.

4. Six students escaped from the cafeteria rubble after teachers and students dug them out with their bare hands.

5. dug

5. He lives in the 100 sq m cave that he dug and relies on vegetables he grows near the cave along with four fishing ponds.

6. dug的意思

6. Large numbers of unearthed celadon clay pots were dug out of the Dragon Kiln.

7. Witnesses said the fighting began when two US tanks advanced towards Najaf's cemetery, where some militiamen were still dug in.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. At a cemetery just outside the mine's sprawling grounds, mounds of freshly dug earth stood next to half a dozen new graves.

9. So the chefs rushed to Taipei's largest vegetable market and dug through 10 boxes of cherry tomatoes to find a dozen usable ones.

10. Workers saw a scrap collector collecting the coins at the site and phoned the police, who later dug out the coins from two pits.

dug 英英释义


1. an udder or breast or teat
