1. 醉鬼:他乘坐五月花船前来的祖先,当年带上岸的,更多是清教徒的清规戒律,惩罚违规的市民,是将罪行绣在胸前,公之于众,D 代表醉鬼(Drunkard),I 代表乱伦(Incest),A 字是通奸(Adultery)霍桑<<红字>>里的赫丝特,灵感来自十七世纪清教徒宗教笼罩下,
2. 醉鬼,酒徒:牐燚ullard:蠢人,笨蛋 | 牐燚runkard:醉鬼,酒徒 | 牐燣aggard:迟钝者 ,落后者
1. Pfister is now considering legal action against a senior Togolese federation official who accused him of being a drunkard and a traitor.
2. He proved to be an artistic genius - and a notorious drunkard - early in his life.
3. A janitor found his body in shrubbery near a parking lot, first mistaking him for a slumbering drunkard.
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4. A drunkard in Chongqing municipality who slept on a stranger's roof said he couldn't explain how he got to the roof.
5. The drunkard invited police to drink with him, saying he just wanted company to welcome the New Year.
6. A drunkard wearing a life buoy fell asleep while sailing a hundred metres off the coast in Qingdao of Shandong Province last week.