
drum [drʌm]  [drʌm] 






drum 基本解释


名词鼓; 鼓声; 鼓状物; 石首鱼

及物动词击鼓; 连打; 反复讲; 鼓吹

不及物动词击鼓; 连打; 拍翅

drum 相关例句



1. We couldn't drum up enough boys to make a football team.

2. He has the annoying habit of drumming the table with his fingertips.

3. I drummed the traffic regulations into my son's head.


1. He drummed on the table.


1. Oil is shipped in drums.

drum 网络解释

1. 磁鼓:支撑此薄膜的物质可以是柔软的,例如由塑胶制成的磁带(tape)或磁碟(disk另外亦可由刚性物质如铝或其他物质制成,例如磁鼓(drum)和磁碟. 该磁性薄膜和读/写头(一很小的电磁铁)可以作相对运动,以便找到适当的位置将资料写上去,

2. 桶:定牌,无牌和中性包装(定牌中性和无牌中性,不注明生产国别) 定牌,无牌和中性包装(定牌中性和无牌中性,不注明生产国别) (2)包装材料:木箱(wooden case),纸箱(carton),捆包 包装材料:木箱( 包装材料 ,纸箱( , (bundle,bale),袋(bag),桶(drum) , , 如木箱装,

3. 圆筒:无线传感网络设备,或称为微尘传感器(MOTE),可以由有源电子标签和...[摘要]LGT 圆筒(DRUM)全热交换器系统使用LGT 圆筒(DRUM)全热交换器时,内部的圆筒轮式(DRUM WHEEL)旋转,维持室内温度和湿度,室内污染空气与...

drum 词典解释

    A drum is a musical instrument consisting of a skin stretched tightly over a round frame. You play a drum by beating it with sticks or with your hands.

2. (装油等的)鼓状容器,圆桶
    A drum is a large cylindrical container which is used to store fuel or other substances.

    e.g. ...an oil drum.
    e.g. ...a drum of chemical waste.

3. (机器上的)鼓状物,鼓轮,滚筒
    A drum is a hollow cylindrical structure which is part of a machine, for example a washing machine.

4. (缠绕电线或绳索的)卷筒,转筒
    A drum is a circular object on which wire or rope is wound and kept.

    e.g. He had found a drum of electric cable.

5. 有规律地敲击(使发出连续的击打声)
    If something drums on a surface, or if you drum something on a surface, it hits it regularly, making a continuous beating sound.

    e.g. He drummed his fingers on the leather top of his desk...
    e.g. Rain drummed on the roof of the car.

6. see also: drumming

7. drum的翻译

7. 竭力鼓吹;摇旗呐喊
    If someone beats the drum or bangs the drum for something, they support it strongly.

    e.g. The trade secretary disagreed but promised to 'bang the drum for industry'.

相关词组:drum into drum out drum up

drum 单语例句

1. A recent visitor was the international jazz band Blood Drum Spirits, who have a CD release and have been touring China.

2. Meng says in order to lift the bronze drum with his teeth he needs to chant a mysterious incantation.

3. The government paid the dinner and organized a troupe of gong and drum players to cheer up the villagers.

4. drum什么意思

4. With the decline of chieftain dominance, the bronze drum usually fell into the hands of powerful or rich families.

5. Song claimed he had to compete to a chorus of chants urging him to " fall " over while someone beat a drum to disturb his performance.

6. drum在线翻译

6. In addition, it was one of the biggest selling Drum and bass releases of all time.

7. The male drum produces a low and heavy timbre, while the female drum gives off higher and clearer tones.

8. He looked exhausted after all his cheering and drum pounding in the cloudless, scorching Beijing morning.

9. The two presidents watched as a pipe and drum unit marched by dressed in colonial era uniforms.

10. The road that leads up to the tourist site of the Drum and Bell towers is known as the capital's console game street.

drum 英英释义



1. small to medium-sized bottom-dwelling food and game fishes of shallow coastal and fresh waters that make a drumming noise

    Synonym: drumfish

2. drum

2. a hollow cast-iron cylinder attached to the wheel that forms part of the brakes

    Synonym: brake drum

3. a musical percussion instrument
    usually consists of a hollow cylinder with a membrane stretched across each end

    Synonym: membranophone tympan

4. a cylindrical metal container used for shipping or storage of liquids

    Synonym: metal drum

5. drum的反义词

5. the sound of a drum

    e.g. he could hear the drums before he heard the fifes

6. a bulging cylindrical shape
    hollow with flat ends

    Synonym: barrel


1. study intensively, as before an exam

    e.g. I had to bone up on my Latin verbs before the final exam

    Synonym: cram grind away bone up swot get up mug up swot up bone

2. play a percussion instrument

3. make a rhythmic sound

    e.g. Rain drummed against the windshield
           The drums beat all night

    Synonym: beat thrum
