drive back

drive back [draiv bæk]  [draɪv bæk] 

drive back 基本解释
drive back 网络解释

drive back什么意思

1. 赶退:drive away 赶走 | drive back 赶退 | drive by 推动

2. 驾(车等)返回;迫使后退;击退:1980drive at用意(用现在分词) | 1981drive back驾(车等)返回;迫使后退;击退 | 1982drizzlen. 细雨; v. 下毛毛雨

3. 赶回去, 击退:drive away 赶走, 开走 | drive back 赶回去, 击退 | drive bay 磁盘匣, 计算机盒子里可以安装驱动器的空间 (计算机用语)

drive back 单语例句

1. She finally managed to drive the bears back into the cage wielding a bamboo rod and then promptly locked the cage.

2. drive back的反义词

2. Police fired tear gas to drive back rioting youths in the Corsican city of Ajaccio late on Saturday after a political demonstration ended in violence.

3. Car sharing can reduce the cost, and I can also drive to visit relatives when I get back home.


4. It is also pretty unlikely you will drive back to downtown without a passenger since there are few other taxis in those big communities.

5. Chen later confessed that he had consumed a lot of whisky at a friend's birthday party before agreeing to drive three friends back home.

6. drive back

6. The former governor of Helmand province said that bringing in an outsider will alienate local elders and drive them back toward the Taliban.

7. Wang said he expects to see the inflation data drive the Shanghai index back up to 2100 points.

8. She flew back to London's Heathrow airport and was soon bundled into a waiting car to drive her back to her Surrey mansion.

9. Tribes people then could drive their herds of cattle and sheep to drink there, and bring buckets of water back home.

10. A Jamie Scowcroft header put Leicester back in the match after 40 minutes, but then Mutu struck with his thunderous drive.

drive back 英英释义


1. force or drive back

    e.g. repel the attacker
           fight off the onslaught
           rebuff the attack

    Synonym: repel repulse fight off rebuff
