
drilling ['drɪlɪŋ]  ['drɪlɪŋ] 









drilling 基本解释


动词钻(孔)( drill的现在分词 ); 打(眼); 操练; 训练

drilling 网络解释

1. 钻孔:基本制模工具如拉厚(Extrude)、斜角(Bevel)及回旋(Lathe)等以轨迹延伸(Rail extrude)及网面(Patch)建立准确曲面物体变型功能如倾斜(Shear)、拗曲(Bend)、吸啜(Magnet)、扭曲(Twist)及斜入(Tazper)等物体结合功能:钻孔(Drilling)及布林运算(Boo

2. 钻井:按岩石破碎方式和[简介]钻井(drilling) 在地质工作中 ,利用钻 探设 备向地下钻成的直径较小、深度较大的柱状圆孔. 又称钻孔. 钻井直径和钻井通常按用途分为地质普查或勘探钻井、水文地质钻井、水井或工程地质钻井、地热钻井、石油钻井等. 按岩石破碎方式和

3. 钻削:其中,最基本的加工方法有车削(Turning)、铣削(Milling)、钻削(Drilling)、刨削(Planning)和磨削(Grinding)等五种. 非传统切削加工则是指利用化学能、电化能、电热能或其它型式之机械能,将工件材料去除不需要的部份而成形,产生的切屑非常细小,

4. 三管复合枪:有三根枪管的叫三管复合枪(Drilling),有四根枪管的叫四管复合枪(Vierling). 19世纪前用铁条并排绞扭焊接制成的枪管,属于扭式枪管(twist barrel)的一类. 外貌非常美观,是当年高级枪械的风格,但强度不适于使用现代的无烟火药.

drilling 单语例句

1. drilling在线翻译

1. China's Cabinet promised private investors a bigger role in industries from oil drilling to finance, and also promised to help private companies invest more abroad.

2. drilling是什么意思

2. Romans were known to use diamond fragments set in iron as tools that were traded with China and used for carving jade or drilling pearls.

3. Chevron said oil from the recent seep contained no drilling " mud ", suggesting it is not a residual spill or a new complication of the November spill.

4. drilling的意思

4. They said Salazar's comments about a new moratorium have had a chilling effect on the resumption of drilling.

5. drilling

5. In 2006 the government of Gabon stopped the Chinese oil firm SINOPEC from drilling for the lack of necessary permits.

6. drilling什么意思

6. There have always been veiled remarks about the overseas expansion of Chinese oil companies, alleging they are drilling the world's reserves to fuel China's growth.

7. Gazprom's drilling for gas and oil off Vietnam's coast in the South China Sea is too close for Beijing's comfort.

8. drilling

8. The company plans to build drilling platforms in the coalfield in 2013.

9. Drilling on some of its highest priority targets is currently underway with more drilling scheduled to commence over the next several months.

10. drilling

10. China owns a 40 percent stake in the major oil consortium drilling in Sudan, and it buys half of Sudan's crude exports.

drilling 英英释义


1. drilling的解释

1. the act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum

    Synonym: boring oil production

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2. the act of drilling

    Synonym: boring
