
drift [drɪft]  [drɪft] 







drift 基本解释

不及物动词漂泊; 流动; 随意移动; 浮现

及物动词漂流; 堆积成堆

名词漂移,偏移; 趋势,动向; 大意; 放任自流

drift 相关例句


1. The strong wind drifted the snow in piles.


1. The snow drifts in heaps.

2. He watched the boat drift downstream.


1. I didn't get the drift of his argument.

drift 网络解释


1. (遗传)漂变:从理论上计算,第二代继承的概率为1/2,第三代继承的概率为1/4,然而个别的单倍型在三代中的传递概率达到1(每代均传),而个别单倍型又低至0(丢失),出现了典型的遗传漂变(drift)现象.

2. 偏航:此与空中航行之偏航(Drift) 相似. 据实验证明在浪花过程中之电荷分离程度视水滴温度,溶解不洁物,冲击气流之速度,以及与外界面之接触等而定. 经观测得破裂水滴之最大部份荷正电,水滴之微细浪花在冲击气流中带走净负电荷.

3. drift:diffuse reflection using fourier transform; 漫反射傅里叶变换红外光谱

4. drift:diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform; 漫反射红外光谱

drift 词典解释

1. 飘移;漂流
    When something drifts somewhere, it is carried there by the movement of wind or water.

    e.g. We proceeded to drift on up the river...
    e.g. The climbing balloon drifted silently over the countryside...

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 无意间进入;不知不觉陷入
    If someone or something drifts into a situation, they get into that situation in a way that is not planned or controlled.

    e.g. We need to offer young people drifting into crime an alternative set of values...
    e.g. She and her husband drifted apart and, eventually, they divorced...

3. drift是什么意思

3. 流浪;漂泊
    If you say that someone drifts around, you mean that they travel from place to place without a plan or settled way of life.

    e.g. You've been drifting from job to job without any real commitment.

4. drift的意思

4. 移动;动向;趋势;逐渐变化
    A drift is a movement away from somewhere or something, or a movement towards somewhere or something different.

    e.g. ...the drift towards the cities.

5. 缓慢移动;逐渐移动
    To drift somewhere means to move there slowly or gradually.

    e.g. As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.

6. (声音等)传到,传出
    If sounds drift somewhere, they can be heard but they are not very loud.

    e.g. Cool summer dance sounds are drifting from the stereo indoors.

7. (雪)吹积,堆积
    If snow drifts, it builds up into piles as a result of the movement of the wind.

    e.g. The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep...
    e.g. The storm caused severe drifting.

8. 雪堆
    A drift is a mass of snow that has built up into a pile as a result of the movement of wind.

    e.g. ...a nine-foot snow drift.

9. 吹积物;飘浮物;漂流物
    A drift of something is an amount of it that has been created by the movement of wind or water.

    e.g. There was a drift of smoke above the trees.

10. (论点或演说的)主旨,大意
    The drift of an argument or speech is the general point that is being made in it.

    e.g. Grace was beginning to get his drift...
    e.g. Anybody who's listening will get the drift of what he was saying...

相关词组:drift off

drift 单语例句

1. It was expected to drop below tropical storm strength - 39 mph - before midnight, and was to drift into Canada later Sunday or early Monday.

2. But with congressional elections next year, he cannot drift too far from his party's base.

3. If push comes to shove we will certainly not stand idly by in catatonic stupor and ignominiously let Taiwan drift away from the motherland.

4. The melancholic beats combined with charismatic female vocals create an environment where your mind can drift away.

5. drift的近义词

5. That is why some people would rather drift in a city than work as a civil servant in underdeveloped areas.

6. It is conceivable that Thursday's spike will mark an intermediate term top in the oil market and prices will drift lower over the following days.

7. It is conceivable that over the following days, these yields will drift lower.

8. It is a place where hot winds rush north and cold ones drift south, creating rainy and foggy weather that lingers for days at a time.

9. But his administration has taken heavy criticism for letting the peace process drift while conditions worsened for the impoverished Palestinians.

10. drift的近义词

10. Only 2% let the baby drift off in front of the TV.

drift 英英释义


1. drift

1. a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine

    e.g. they dug a drift parallel with the vein

    Synonym: heading gallery

2. the pervading meaning or tenor

    e.g. caught the general drift of the conversation

    Synonym: purport

3. a general tendency to change (as of opinion)

    e.g. not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book
           a broad movement of the electorate to the right

    Synonym: trend movement

4. a large mass of material that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents

5. drift的翻译

5. a force that moves something along

    Synonym: impetus impulsion

6. the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)

7. drift什么意思

7. a process of linguistic change over a period of time


1. be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current

    e.g. snow drifting several feet high
           sand drifting like snow

2. be subject to fluctuation

    e.g. The stock market drifted upward

3. drive slowly and far afield for grazing

    e.g. drift the cattle herds westwards

4. cause to be carried by a current

    e.g. drift the boats downstream

5. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment

    e.g. The gypsies roamed the woods
           roving vagabonds
           the wandering Jew
           The cattle roam across the prairie
           the laborers drift from one town to the next
           They rolled from town to town

    Synonym: roll wander swan stray tramp roam cast ramble rove range vagabond

6. be in motion due to some air or water current

    e.g. The leaves were blowing in the wind
           the boat drifted on the lake
           The sailboat was adrift on the open sea
           the shipwrecked boat drifted away from the shore

    Synonym: float be adrift blow

7. move in an unhurried fashion

    e.g. The unknown young man drifted among the invited guests

8. wander from a direct course or at random

    e.g. The child strayed from the path and her parents lost sight of her
           don't drift from the set course

    Synonym: stray err

9. live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely

    e.g. My son drifted around for years in California before going to law school

    Synonym: freewheel

10. vary or move from a fixed point or course

    e.g. stock prices are drifting higher
