dress circle

dress circle [dres ˈsə:kl]  [drɛs ˈsɚkəl] 

dress circle 基本解释
dress circle 网络解释

1. 戏院的二楼厅:matinee 日戏 | dress circle戏院的二楼厅 | cancel 取消

2. 楼厅(二楼)前座:upper circle 楼厅(二楼)后座 | dress circle 楼厅(二楼)前座 | open-air theatre, amphitheatre 露天剧场

3. 楼座:front stall:前座 | dress circle:楼座 | movie fan:影迷

4. 前排座位:Dresden 德累斯顿 | dress circle 前排座位 | dress coat 燕尾服

dress circle 英英释义


1. dress circle的意思

1. a curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house
    usually the first tier above the orchestra

    e.g. they had excellent seats in the dress circle

    Synonym: circle
