
dredger [ˈdredʒə(r)]  [ˈdrɛdʒɚ] 


dredger 基本解释


名词挖泥船; 撒粉器

dredger 网络解释

1. 挖泥船:14.挖泥船(dredger)是用于疏浚航道、加深泊位或开掘运河的工程船舶. 按挖泥设备不同可分为耙吸式、绞吸式、抓斗式、链斗式等几种类型. 15.起重船(floating crane)是专用于起重的工程船,又叫浮吊. 它大多为非自航式,由拖船拖带移动.

2. 撒粉器:draw-tube 活镜筒,抽拉管 | dredger 撒粉器 | dressed tube 敷料引流管

3. 挖泥机;挖泥船:drawing 图则 | dredger 挖泥机;挖泥船 | dredging works 挖沙工程;挖泥工程

4. 挖泥机:dredged spoil 疏浚海泥 | dredger 挖泥机 | dredging 疏浚;挖泥;浚挖

dredger 词典解释

1. 挖泥船;疏浚船
    A dredger is a boat which is fitted with a special machine that is used to increase the size of harbours, rivers, and canals.

dredger 单语例句

1. A coal dredger tears into the face of the Loy Yang Open Cut coal mine in Latrobe Valley near Melbourne.

2. dredger在线翻译

2. Injections of nitrogen started Thursday morning as a dredger surveyed the pipe's surroundings for repair work.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. Overloading and disorderly digging by the dredger are thought to be to blame for the accident.

dredger 英英释义



1. a barge (or a vessel resembling a barge) that is used for dredging
