
dreams [dri:mθ]  [dri:mθ] 



过去分词:dreamed; dreamt

过去式:dreamed; dreamt

dreams 基本解释
梦( dream的名词复数 );出神;梦幻状态;抱负;做梦,向往( dream的第三人称单数 );想到,料到;考虑到,想到,料到;虚度,度过,迷迷糊糊地度过(与 away,out 连用);
dreams 网络解释


1. 梦想:24岁的里欧娜当时正在为她最新出版的自传<<梦想>>(Dreams) 一书举行签书会. 该名29岁,身高6呎5吋的大只佬一直很有耐心的拿著书在排队等侯. 相对於其他排队的人七嘴八舌在聊天,他显得异常的安静.

2. 幻想:介绍:片名:隔世追凶 To Get Unstuck In Time 地区:中国香港(TVB) 类型:时装奇遇 集数:22集 首播:2004年 监制:林志华 编审:朱镜祺 演员:郭晋安 陈慧珊介绍:简 介: [仙履奇缘3:时间魔法](Cinderella III: A Twist in Time)是迪士尼 经典动画[仙履奇缘](Cinderella )的续集,於2007年2月在美国推出上市介绍:幻想 (Dreams) 你就在

3. 梦境:DreamsDish其实是一个名为梦境(Dreams)的游戏终端,在它进入太空以后将联通其他Evolution已发射的卫星从而建立一个完善的终端平台网络,向地球发回信息讯号,不得不说MG是有远见的,在做了一年的研发和各国之间的信息收集与交流以后,

dreams 单语例句

1. The president said these are by no means idle dreams - as witnessed by the company's growth in the past 13 years in China.

2. That night I wrote a short sad poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the Capri's Weekly newspaper.

3. Telling these children not to work so hard and enjoy a more carefree childhood is telling them to give up their dreams.

4. Sweet dreams wafting through your mind until the first rays of sunshine caress your face.

5. Stymied in his American ambitions, he started to cash in on helping others fulfil their American Dreams.

6. There may be a chance that his dreams will partly come true, according to his headmaster.

7. The performance explores dreams and desires, running the full gamut of emotions most commonly considered to characterize flamenco.

8. " Think about your dreams and chase them, " Sato said.

9. The number is expected to rise as kids and their parents compete harder for college scholarships and chase pro dreams.

10. Demeaning portrayals of women cheapen our debates, dampen the dreams of our daughters and deny us the contributions of too many.
