
dreadful [ˈdredfl]  [ˈdrɛdfəl] 

dreadful 基本解释

形容词可怕的; 糟糕的; 令人畏惧的; 讨厌的,糟透了的,丑陋的


dreadful 相关例句



1. There has been a dreadful earthquake in Iran.

dreadful 网络解释

1. 怖:在此之前,塔利班通过阿富汗伊斯兰交通新社(AIP)发表声明,他们主张,如果在首脑会谈上就用人质换囚犯的要求没有做出任何决定,布什和卡尔扎伊将应该对其恐怖(dreadful)的后果负责任.

2. 令人恐怖的;令人害怕的:4、decent 合宜的;得体的;适当的 | 5、dreadful 令人恐怖的;令人害怕的 | 6、exceptional 异常的;例外的;特别优秀

3. (侧重于可怕的,乱七八糟的):= frightful (表示胆怯的,恐惧的) | dreadful (侧重于可怕的,乱七八糟的) | ★pounce v. 猛抓, 扑住

dreadful 词典解释

1. 糟糕透顶的;令人不快的;劣质的
    If you say that something is dreadful, you mean that it is very bad or unpleasant, or very poor in quality.

    e.g. They told us the dreadful news...
    e.g. My financial situation is dreadful.

You behaved dreadfully...
They treated him dreadfully.

2. 极严重的
    Dreadful is used to emphasize the degree or extent of something bad.

    e.g. We've made a dreadful mistake...
    e.g. I had a dreadful headache.

He looks dreadfully ill...
His mother must be dreadfully worried...
I miss him dreadfully.

3. (看上去或感觉到)病得不轻的,极度疲惫的,非常沮丧的
    If someone looks or feels dreadful, they look or feel very ill, tired, or upset.

    e.g. Are you all right? You look dreadful...
    e.g. I feel absolutely dreadful about what has happened.

dreadful 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. While the ill effects of climate change are increasingly visible worldwide, the international community has failed to find remedies for the dreadful state of our environment.

2. dreadful

2. The scar continues reminding him of the dreadful interrogations in 1999 when police forced him to confess to a murder he did not commit.

3. dreadful的反义词

3. Conflicts triggered by ignorance or prejudice are sometimes more dreadful than those caused by contradictory interests.

4. Defender Sylvain Distin's dreadful error allowed Spurs to go in front just past the half hour with Mido's ninth league goal of the season.

5. Derek Hough feels " dreadful " about Cheryl Cole's battle with malaria.

6. The Ukraine side had most of the pressure but wasted numerous chances on a dreadful pitch made worse by falling snow throughout the match.

7. dreadful的意思

7. A city livable and lively for its people has to play these up rather than have them strangled in the dreadful Las Vegas web.

8. Oklahoma City fell behind by as many as 23 after a dreadful start, and it didn't get much better for a while.

9. Once again Bayern were dreadful in midfield, rarely managing to string together more than a couple of passes.

10. Millions of uninfected animals have been slaughtered and incinerated to prevent the spread of the dreadful virus.

dreadful 英英释义



1. dreadful在线翻译

1. causing fear or dread or terror

    e.g. the awful war
           an awful risk
           dire news
           a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked
           the dread presence of the headmaster
           polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was
           a dreadful storm
           a fearful howling
           horrendous explosions shook the city
           a terrible curse

    Synonym: awful dire direful dread(a) dreaded fearful fearsome frightening horrendous horrific terrible

2. exceptionally bad or displeasing

    e.g. atrocious taste
           abominable workmanship
           an awful voice
           dreadful manners
           a painful performance
           terrible handwriting
           an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room

    Synonym: atrocious abominable awful painful terrible unspeakable

3. very unpleasant
