draw together

draw together [drɔ: təˈɡeðə]  [drɔ təˈɡɛðɚ] 

draw together 基本解释

(使)相遇,接近; 纠集

draw together 单语例句

1. draw together的翻译

1. Some couples also draw up complicated property rights in their marriage contract, go on a honeymoon together and move into the same apartment - at least temporarily.

2. draw together什么意思

2. Brooks & Dunn continued to draw attention as they wind down their career together.

3. draw together的翻译

3. This year's World Championships draw announced Wednesday put the two Masters finalists together in the earliest round.

4. " We're able to draw together these three distant epochs and see how our models compare, " Colless told AFP.

5. He said a seminar has been organized that will draw together experts from around the world to discuss the newest methods of promoting scientific knowledge.

6. Together we shall draw a better blueprint, and together we shall create more glories.

7. The conservatives and the Free Democrats had planned to rule together but failed to draw enough votes.

8. The team of authors pulled together global scientific studies to draw conclusions for their report and particularly focused on any New Zealand data they found.

9. But business owners and government officials are emerging from the shock and are bonding together to draw up a plan.

draw together 英英释义


1. bring together in a common cause or emotion

    e.g. The death of their child had drawn them together

    Synonym: bond bring together
