draw on

draw on [drɔ: ɔn]  [drɔ ɑn] 

draw on 基本解释

draw on的解释

利用; 凭借; (时光)渐渐过去,荏苒

draw on 相关例句


1. He drew on his childhood memories for the material of his novel.

2. Winter was drawing on.

3. He drew on his gloves before he went out.

draw on 网络解释

draw on

1. 利用:第四段指出,另一种利用(draw on)记忆资料的方法是造记忆链(memory chain),即:由物体与记忆的联系达到唤起对各种经历记忆之目的. (A) 第一段指出,美国社会正在发生两方面的变化:其一,它正在由一个工业社会向信息社会转变;其二,

2. 用:第四段指出,另一种利用(draw on)记忆资料的方法是造记忆链(memory chain),即:由物体与记忆的联系达到唤起对各种经历记忆之目的. (A) 第一段指出,美国社会正在发生两方面的变化:其一,它正在由一个工业社会向信息社会转变;其二,

3. 吸收:do without 没有...也行 | draw on 吸收; | draw up 起草

4. 戴上:draw off 撤退 | draw on 戴上 | draw oneself up 控制自己

draw on 词典解释

1. 凭借;利用;动用
    If you draw on or draw upon something such as your skill or experience, you make use of it in order to do something.

    e.g. He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme.

2. (时光)渐渐过去
    As a period of time draws on, it passes and the end of it gets closer.

    e.g. As the afternoon drew on we were joined by more of the regulars.

draw on 单语例句

1. Ferguson has calmly noted the title is still United's to lose, and a draw at Eastlands on Monday would leave his team in control.

2. Melted wax flows through the tip of the pen making it possible to write words or draw edging and other decoration on a candle.

3. Every man and his dog probably saw at least snippets of the glitzy World Cup draw on Friday in Cape Town.

4. But one cannot draw parallels between this renewed emphasis on chastity and some conservative Americans'advocacy of celibacy.

5. To highlight the draw ceremony, an exhibition match between a World XI and China was held on Saturday night.

6. draw on什么意思

6. The legislation would let GM and Chrysler draw on $ 14 billion of loans to keep operating while they develop restructuring plans required by March 31.

7. draw on什么意思

7. The annual sex expositions in major Chinese cities like Shanghai always draw huge crowds ogling at the scantily clad models and various aphrodisiacs on show.

8. A Nanjing restaurant that promoted itself by encouraging customers to draw on scantily clad models has stirred controversy among diners.

9. draw on

9. The draw leaves Hamburg a point clear on 17 points with Schalke sixth in the table.

10. UNITED NATIONS - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu here on Thursday urged the world to draw a " clear red line " over Iran's nuclear program.
