drag out

drag out [dræɡ aut]  [dræɡ aʊt] 

drag out 基本解释

把…拖[拉]出; (使)拖延; 挨

drag out 网络解释

drag out

1. 拖出:drag in 拖入 | drag out 拖出 | drag over 拖过

2. 拖延:drag one's heels 拖着脚走 | drag out 拖延 | drag up a child 胡乱养大孩子

3. 拖延(时间):Tom drag a heavy box out of the cupboard. 汤姆把一个重箱子从橱里拖出来. | ◆drag out 拖延(时间) | ◆drag sb. into doing sth. 使某人勉强做某事

4. 带出液:drag-oncarriage 板料拖运小车 | drag-out 带出液 | drag-over 横向自动拖送机

drag out 词典解释

1. 不必要地拖延;使持续过久
    If you drag something out, you make it last for longer than is necessary.

    e.g. The company was willing to drag out the proceedings for years...
    e.g. Let's get it over with as soon as possible, rather than drag it out.

2. 套…的话;说服…说出
    If you drag something out of a person, you persuade them to tell you something that they do not want to tell you.

    e.g. The families soon discovered that every piece of information had to be dragged out of the authorities.

drag out 单语例句

1. Workers drag out a chunk of metal that fell into the water.

2. Polanski's lawyers have said he will challenge extradition, which could drag out an already complex process for years.

3. Yushchenko's side said it was breaking off compromise talks with Yanukovych, accusing him of trying to drag them out to consolidate his grip on power.

4. A crowd of people rushed to help the police to drag the driver out of a car that was submerged under water.

5. As much as you can't drag a dippy maiden out of her dreamboat, you can't talk a cult out of their religion.

6. This will drag the environmental watchdogs at various levels out of their current embarrassing situation with their notices often being ridiculed as irrelevant.

7. Zelaya's supporters fear the interim government will drag out negotiations so it can remain in power through November's presidential elections.

8. drag out的近义词

8. He just gets involved in the political struggle deeper and deeper until he cannot drag himself out of it.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. He points out Beijing's gridlock often causes a drag on emergency vehicle response times.

10. drag out的反义词

10. Liu Shaoqi imprisoned, and his wife drag out for public humiliation.

drag out 英英释义


1. proceed for an extended period of time

    e.g. The speech dragged on for two hours

    Synonym: drag drag on

2. last unnecessarily long

    Synonym: drag on
