drag on

drag on [dræɡ ɔn]  [dræɡ ɑn] 

drag on 基本解释

拖延; 将…拖上来; <非正>拖时间; 深吸

drag on 网络解释

1. 拖延;使拖延:drag in 把...拉进去 | drag on 拖延;使拖延 | drain off 流掉;渐渐枯竭

2. 拖延:9) standoff n.避开,冷漠 | 10) drag on 拖延 | 11) memoirs n.回忆录,自传

3. 将. . 拖上来 拖时间:insatiable 无法满足的 | drag on 将...拖上来 拖时间 | renegade 叛徒n

4. 拖拉:18) workload n. 工作量 | 19) drag on 拖拉 | 20) fellow n. 朋友,同事

drag on 词典解释

1. 不必要地拖延;拖得过久
    You say that an event or process drags on when you disapprove of the fact that it lasts for longer than necessary.

    e.g. The conflict with James has dragged on for two years.

drag on 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. James Bond actor Daniel Craig has dressed in drag for a short film about sexual equality made to coincide with International Women's Day on Tuesday.

2. Opera singers in drag used to be commonplace when women were not allowed on stage.

3. drag on是什么意思

3. The government attributed the GDP slow down due to a drag on the merchandise trade and a very high comparative base in the first quarter.

4. drag on什么意思

4. A measure of property and construction companies was the biggest drag on the Hang Seng Composite Index among its 11 industry groups.

5. The whole operation was to have been completed by September 21, although some navy officials now concede that it could drag on into early October.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Yushchenko's side said it was breaking off compromise talks with Yanukovych, accusing him of trying to drag them out to consolidate his grip on power.

7. Germany is emerging from years of sluggish growth that has driven up unemployment, drained the government's coffers and put a drag on economies across the continent.

8. The electoral court has until August 31 to decide on the recount, meaning the deadlock could drag on for at least another month.

9. If the authorities disappoint the markets by failing to obtain the expected results, the pessimism of the markets will be another drag on the global economic recovery.

10. While this meant the immediate crisis was over, nonperforming loans continued to act as a serious drag on the domestic economy.

drag on 英英释义

drag on什么意思


1. proceed for an extended period of time

    e.g. The speech dragged on for two hours

    Synonym: drag drag out

2. drag on的近义词

2. last unnecessarily long

    Synonym: drag out
