drag it

drag it [dræɡ it]  [dræɡ ɪt] 

drag it 基本解释

drag it的解释

<美俚>走掉; 离职; 停止谈话; 断绝关系

drag it 网络解释

1. [美俚]走掉, 离开; 离职; 停止谈话; 断绝关系:drag in 把...拉进来 硬把(某人)拉进(某事) 毫无必要地提到 | drag it [美俚]走掉, 离开; 离职; 停止谈话; 断绝关系 | drag off to [口](违反某人意愿)勉强拉着(某人)去...

drag it 单语例句

1. It's similar to charging a colt with an overwhelmingly big carriage and hoping it to drag the cart along.

2. drag it在线翻译

2. The whole operation was to have been completed by September 21, although some navy officials now concede that it could drag on into early October.

3. Yushchenko's side said it was breaking off compromise talks with Yanukovych, accusing him of trying to drag them out to consolidate his grip on power.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Or will it be just a drag on the Britain's economy?

5. It won't be a return to boom times next year as net exports and the winding down of stimulus will be a drag on growth.

6. It has long been a bad habit for Chinese companies to only raise money from the stock market but drag their feet over paying dividends.

7. JPMorgan cited weakness in exports and " concerns over inflation and property prices, " which it said is likely to be a drag on domestic demand.

8. Of primary concern to investors must have been deepening worries about a possible US recession that could drag the global economy along with it.

9. Once you've named it, you can drag and drop app icons into it.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. While localization efforts have brought companies like Nestle profits in China, it has also had a drag down effect in some sectors.
