
drafts [drɑ:fts]  [drɑ:fts] 






drafts 基本解释
草稿;精绵;汇票( draft的名词复数 );选派;气流;起草( draft的第三人称单数 );制定;征募;拟稿;
drafts 网络解释

1. 草稿箱:自上而下分别是收件箱(Inbox)、发件箱(Outbox)、已发送邮件箱(Sent Items)、废件箱(Deleted Items)和草稿箱(Drafts). 为了更好地管理邮件,我们还可以在每个邮箱之下创造子邮箱. 子邮箱的创建将有助于我们更好地对邮件进行分类. (图5)

2. 草稿:发送全部在草稿(Drafts)文档夹里的邮件. 输出地址(Address Book) ?从Address Book中,以tab隔开的格式输出地址. 搜索地址(Address Book) ?搜索地址,比Address Book内置的搜索功效强大.

3. 草案:目前,由中国教育和科研计算机网CERNET、中国科学院网络信息中心CNNIC、中国移动、上海贝尔阿尔卡特、华为、日立(中国)等一共有超过78个草案(drafts)还在进行中.

drafts 单语例句

1. drafts的反义词

1. Both sides said they needed time to study the proposals but initial reactions were cautiously warmer than after previous drafts.

2. In China, the NPC drafts laws while the State Council Legislative Affairs Office makes administrative regulations.

3. Bush reviewed drafts of his speech over the weekend while traveling in Texas and Connecticut to attend parties celebrating his daughters'college graduations.

4. His fellow inmates risked extension of their prison terms for helping to copy the drafts and sneaking them out.

5. After the site was chosen at the square's southern end, architects began to work on drafts day and night.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The decision where exactly to build a public toilet is taken only after several drafts are prepared and " approved " by the majority of residents.

7. This is natural because the drafts were drawn up by government departments, whose stands and viewpoints may differ from those of the public.

8. In the drafts, an article banning teachers from mocking and discriminating against students has resonated with many people.

9. drafts的解释

9. Three top graduates in the engineering department submitted drafts and students were invited to vote for their favorites.

10. Two revised drafts of ordinances on grassland and forestry fire prevention will be implemented after some changes.
