


drachmas 基本解释
古希腊的银币名,古希腊的重量单位( drachma的名词复数 );
drachmas 网络解释

1. 英镑...这些才是最好的:...but I soon discovered that what talks best is dollars, dinars... | ...drachmas, rubles, rupees, and pounds-fucking-sterling.|英镑...这些才是最好的 | Of course, the U.S. Army got a piece of the actio...

drachmas 双语例句

1. They're worth many, many drachmas.
    好吧 它们值很多钱的

2. Coins were modeled on the drachmas of Athens, although they often had Indian legends.

3. All they could do was to kill their beasts of burden, and thus an ass'head could scarcely be bought for sixty drachmas.

4. I finally found my man who I think understood or I think I understood his re-soling job he was to pergorm for 2500 drachmas which I will pick up tomorrow.
    最终我找到了我觉得是明白我或者说是我明白他愿意让我付2500 drachmas修补我的鞋子的人。

5. Which previously had a standard of seventy drachmas, was

6. The governor gave to the treasury 1, 000 drachmas of gold, 50 bowls and 530 garments for priests.
    7:70 有些族长为工程捐助。省长捐入库中的金子一千达利克、碗五十个、祭司的礼服五百三十件。

7. When countries joined the single currency, a relatively simple piece of domestic legislation converted contracts in drachmas, pesetas, markkas and Deutschmarks into contracts in euros at a prescribed exchange rate.

8. But those drachmas will soon fetch just 10, 000 euros.

9. But you cannot simply reverse that process when countries leave the single currency. You have to prescribe which contracts are now to be fulfilled in drachmas and which remain in euros or converted into Deutschmarks.

10. It would make sense for exporters and tourist operators to gain some competitive advantage by using newly devalued drachmas.

11. But those drachmas will soon fetch just 10,000 euros.

drachmas 单语例句

1. After Alexander the Great's conquests, many of the successor kingdoms in the Middle East adopted drachmas as their currency.
