
dozens ['dʌznz]  ['dʌznz] 


dozens 基本解释

名词几十,许多; (一)打,十二个( dozen的名词复数 )

dozens 网络解释

1. 几十:reincarnation 再生 | dozens 几十 | pseudo 伪的

2. 你最喜欢的歌曲:最大的缺点: emotional | 你最喜欢的歌曲: dozens | 你喜欢的颜色: all

dozens 单语例句

1. Or imagine a bank or other business organization having dozens of customers with the same name.

2. Which would you rather have in your neighborhood - a grove of large trees, or a busy street lined with dozens of bars?

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. He formed the largest smuggling ring in China's history by buying off dozens of officials to pave the way.

4. The warning gave police time to seal off the area, but dozens were hurt by flying glass or the force of the blast.

5. The book has been translated into dozens of languages and studied by thousands of scholars all over the world.

6. He then rushed into his study where he had placed dozens of valuable calligraphy scrolls, paintings and jade objects - all of which were kept intact.

7. dozens在线翻译

7. A cameraman in the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali saw dozens of tanks and armored personnel carriers arriving in the town from the south.

8. dozens的解释

8. Men in camouflage uniforms took dozens of Iraqis from the Higher Education Ministry in November.

9. In May, dozens of people died when an overloaded canoe capsized on a river in eastern Congo.

10. Dozens of officials and tribal leaders gathered under a white canopy, speaking from a podium to the crowd who broke into frequent " God is great " chant.

dozens 英英释义



1. a large number or amount

    e.g. made lots of new friends
           she amassed stacks of newspapers

    Synonym: tons heaps lots piles scores stacks loads rafts slews wads oodles gobs scads lashings
