
downstairs [ˌdaʊnˈsteəz]  [ˌdaʊnˈsterz] 

downstairs 基本解释

副词在楼下; 向[往]楼下


downstairs 反义词



downstairs 相关例句



1. Have you checked downstairs yet?

2. I'll remodel the downstairs bedroom first.

3. Mary's on the downstairs phone.


1. He fell downstairs and broke his leg.

downstairs 网络解释


1. 楼下:几乎所有人物都亮过相了.别说是必须借助英文字幕的外国观众,恐怕连英国人也难于一下分清谁是谁.我象初看红楼梦一样,画了个人物关系列表,这才清醒了些.总的来说,人物分成两个阵营:楼上(upstairs)是主人和客人,楼下(downstairs)是主人和客人的仆人.楼上楼下,

2. 楼底下:abroad 国外 | downstairs 楼底下 | upstairs 楼上

3. 楼下的:upstairs 楼上的 | downstairs 楼下的 | abroad 国外

4. 在楼下:1.Downstairs在楼下 | 2.Fish Sink and Birds Drop沉鱼落雁 | 3.Beautiful Furs美丽的毛皮

downstairs 词典解释

1. 往楼下;顺楼梯而下;至楼下
    If you go downstairs in a building, you go down a staircase towards the ground floor.

    e.g. Denise went downstairs and made some tea.

2. 在楼下
    If something or someone is downstairs in a building, they are on the ground floor or on a lower floor than you.

    e.g. The telephone was downstairs in the entrance hall...
    e.g. Everybody was downstairs watching a movie.

3. downstairs

3. 在楼下的;在一楼的
    Downstairs means situated on the ground floor of a building or on a lower floor than you are.

    e.g. She repainted the downstairs rooms and closed off the second floor.

4. 楼下;底层
    The downstairs of a building is its lower floor or floors.

    e.g. The downstairs of the two little houses had been entirely refashioned.

downstairs 单语例句

1. Butterfly's only real distinctive feature is a green lizard, which seems completely disinterested in house music and lives in a box downstairs.

2. downstairs什么意思

2. After making an emergency call, the injured pair helped each other downstairs and waited together for the ambulance.

3. He then added that how he always goes downstairs to the canteen late and is normally back to his seat within 15 minutes.

4. Kiss also includes a deli downstairs with fresh, healthy sandwiches and a chic and cozy bar upstairs that overlooks Jianwai SOHO.

5. Downstairs from the cinema there's the Crystal Jade restaurant that's never less than packed but always in a way that compliments its classy elegance.

6. Downstairs in the lobby there were at least six cops with walkie talkies and a plain clothed security guard running the show.

7. He set up Cloud Gate in 1973 on the second floor over a noodle shop, often receiving complaints from diners downstairs about the noise overhead.

8. downstairs

8. One day I went downstairs from the changing room and wandered along a corridor.

9. Downstairs is the bar area, while upstairs the dimly lit dance floor heaves.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. Changing into slippers, many of them headed for the bar downstairs.

downstairs 英英释义



1. on or of lower floors of a building

    e.g. the downstairs (or downstair) phone

    Synonym: downstair


1. on a floor below

    e.g. the tenants live downstairs

    Synonym: down the stairs on a lower floor below
