
downpour [ˈdaʊnpɔ:(r)]  [ˈdaʊnˌpɔr, -ˌpor] 


downpour 基本解释
downpour 相关例句



1. She was drenched by the sudden downpour.

downpour 网络解释

1. 暴雨:土的渗水性(diminished)越接近饱和时,所以如果暴雨(downpour)维持很长时间就会把土冲. ...

2. 滂沱大雨:雷 thunder | 滂沱大雨 downpour | 炎热 scorching heat

3. 倾盆大雨:ice rain 冻雨 | downpour 倾盆大雨 | storm 暴风雨

4. 注下:downhole 向下炮眼 | downpour 注下 | downward 下向的

downpour 单语例句

1. BEIJING - Hundreds of thousands of Chinese netizens are lamenting the loss of over three dozen lives in Saturday's catastrophic downpour in Beijing.

2. The torrential downpour caused flooding along two rivers on either side of Cincinnati - the Little Miami and the Great Miami.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Previous reports had said a heavy downpour triggered the mudslide, but Xinhua citied meteorological experts to question the claim.

4. The downpour caused some vehicles in the tube to collide or skid off the passway, said the spokesman.

5. Not even a sudden downpour and the crackle of lightning can dampen the revellers'spirits.

6. downpour

6. Nearly 200 of Yang's countrymen braved downpour to mourn the businessman, before his remains were sent for cremation.

7. downpour的意思

7. The unexpected downpour acted as a cue for a more attacking spell but the match soon fizzled out after some poor finishing from both sides.

8. BEIJING - New rounds of drenching rain will continue in the capital this week, after a Sunday downpour put an end to the oppressively hot and hazy weather.

9. The downpour began shortly after 7 am, drenching and trapping crowds of people on their way to work.

10. downpour的意思

10. The sky darkened as the susurrus of a drizzle became a roaring downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning.

downpour 英英释义



1. a heavy rain

    Synonym: cloudburst deluge waterspout torrent pelter soaker
