down feather

down feather [daun ˈfeðə]  [daʊn ˈfɛðɚ] 

down feather 基本解释
down feather 网络解释

down feather的反义词

1. 绒羽:supraoesophageal 食管上的 | down feather 绒羽 | Japan china 日本产陶器

2. 羽绒:down feather quilt 羽绒被 | down feather 羽绒 | down filled garment 羽绒服装

3. 绒毛:down 短绒毛 | down feather 绒毛 | down's syndrome 唐氏综合征

down feather 单语例句

1. The China Feather & Down Industrial Association told a press conference the report " distorted the facts ".

2. down feather

2. If you must brake, feather your rear brake smoothly and lightly to slow down.

3. As most of you already know, one of the best choices is a down feather jacket.

4. down feather

4. His main client is Wanlida Co, a big Chinese feather and down products manufacturer.

5. It isn't just that birds of a feather chow down together or order dessert together.

down feather 英英释义

down feather


1. soft fine feathers

    Synonym: down
