doubly guilty

doubly guilty [ˈdʌbli: ˈɡilti]  [ˈdʌbli ˈɡɪlti] 

doubly guilty 基本解释

doubly guilty的反义词

[法] 罪上加罪,重罪; 罪加一等

doubly guilty 双语例句

1. The officer felt doubly guilty in breaking in at such a moment with important business, and he would have waited; but one of the generals caught sight of him, and hearing what he had come for, told Yermolov.

doubly guilty什么意思

2. She now felt doubly guilty; she had embarrassed Franklin and she had cost her partner money

3. She and her father would unquestionably be guilty of this crime, and this woman the inveteracy of whose pursuit cannot be described would wait to add that strength to her case, and make herself doubly sure.

4. Remnants sword: Do you still dare to call names? Doubly guilty!
