
dot [dɒt]  [dɑ:t] 










dot 基本解释



及物动词点缀; 打点于; 散布于; 以小圆点标出

dot 相关词组

1. on the dot : 准时地;

dot 相关例句


1. She is wearing a dotted dress today.

2. The lake was dotted with boats.


1. She watched the train until it was only a dot in the distance.

2. On the map towns were marked by a red dot.

dot 网络解释

1. 圆点:3.9 POLYLINE多段线(PLINE)显示在尺寸线的两端,标出尺寸线和尺寸界线的交点. 可以为箭头或终止符号标记指定不同的形状. 箭头有各种形态,如记号型(tick marks)、开箭头(open arrowhead)、圆点(dot)等.

2. (美国)运输部:对流出物进行适当处理将降低壬基酚乙氧基化物(NPE)的浓度,残留物应达到不危14.1 美国运输部(DOT)非散装

3. 美国交通运输部:日本政府厚生劳动省 (MHLW) 食物及保健食品检 美国食品及药物管理局 (FDA) 药物出品注册认可 美国农业部 (USDA) 认可测试肉类及家禽制品内 美国交通运输部 (DOT) 处理危险物品登记品及药物管理局 (FDA) 所制定GMP (Good

4. dot:the distributed object technology; 分布式对象技术

5. dot:dynamic overcooking technology; 动态超频技术

6. dot:direct observed therapy; 直接督导化疗

7. dot:dynamic ocean topography; 动力海面地形

dot 词典解释

1. dot的近义词

1. 点;小点;小圆点
    A dot is a very small round mark, for example one that is used as the top part of the letter 'i', as a full stop, or as a decimal point.

2. (因距离远而看起来)似小点之物,点状物
    You can refer to something that you can see in the distance and that looks like a small round mark as a dot .

    e.g. Soon they were only dots above the hard line of the horizon.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 散布于;星罗棋布于;遍布
    When things dot a place or an area, they are scattered or spread all over it.

    e.g. Small coastal towns dot the landscape.

4. see also: dotted;polka dots

5. 准时地;按指定时间
    If you arrive somewhere or do something on the dot, you arrive there or do it at exactly the time that you were supposed to.

    e.g. They appeared on the dot of 9.50 pm as always...
    e.g. At nine o' clock on the dot, they have breakfast.
           他们在 9 点钟准时吃早饭。

6. (在耗时且无关紧要的事情上)一丝不苟,注重细节
    If you say that someone dots the i's and crosses the t's, you mean that they pay great attention to every small detail in a task; often used to express your annoyance because such detailed work seems unnecessary and takes a very long time.

7. 很久以前
    The year dot is used to mean a very long time ago.

    e.g. You've wanted to be a barrister since the year dot.

dot 单语例句

1. dot什么意思

1. For more than 15 days now none of the garbage and recycling units that dot most street corners in Canada's largest city have been emptied.

2. dot的近义词

2. Kohl had become the first Austrian to win the Tour de France polka dot jersey for the best climber.

3. The only clue that IDG Capital is a PE firm comes from the photos of the successful investments that dot the walls.

4. dot

4. Other examples are the " Dot com Bomb ", the US housing market and junk bonds.

5. Large French windows flood the room with natural light and furniture in complementary colors dot the office.

6. Popular cheerleader Nina Deer's seemingly unblemished suburban world is turned upside down when her parents adopt their recently orphaned goddaughter Dot.


7. Tall white wind turbines dot the flat Danish countryside from the island of Zeeland - home to the capital - to the Jutland peninsula.


8. Munich - The presentation of the red dot award 2010 confirms the outstanding quality of BMW Group design.

9. dot

9. The planet will appear as an intense black dot on the solar disc.


10. Chinese design is on the rise in terms of the Red Dot award.

dot 英英释义



1. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide

    Synonym: acid back breaker battery-acid dose Elvis loony toons Lucy in the sky with diamonds pane superman window pane Zen


2. the shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code

    Synonym: dit

3. a very small circular shape

    e.g. a row of points
           draw lines between the dots

    Synonym: point


1. mark with a dot

    e.g. dot your `i's

2. dot是什么意思

2. make a dot or dots

3. distribute loosely

    e.g. He scattered gun powder under the wagon

    Synonym: scatter sprinkle dust disperse

4. dot什么意思

4. scatter or intersperse like dots or studs

    e.g. Hills constellated with lights

    Synonym: stud constellate
