1. 掺杂的:前者改变经掺杂的(doped)金属氧化物半导体的电阻特性,它与温度有密切关系,多用於电子鼻仪器,且已商业化;后者则改变导电型聚合物分子链上的离子或σ键的结合方式,因而改变了聚合物的性质,其中需用毫微科技来处理两电极片间的间隙(10~20μm).
2. 掺杂:然而,好的电子传输层-即电子迁移率高之材料-并不一定为放光效率佳之材料,因此目前一般之做法,系将高萤光度的有机色料,掺杂(Doped)於电子传输层中靠近空穴传输层之部分,又称为发光层[3],其体积比约为1%至3%.
3. 掺杂的掺了添加剂的:doped lubricating oil 有添加剂的润滑油 | doped 掺杂的掺了添加剂的 | doping compensation 掺杂补偿
4. 含添加剂的,搀杂的:doorway 门道 | doped 含添加剂的,搀杂的 | Doppler broadening 多普勒展宽
1. Feeling dizzy after talking to a stranger, a woman suspected she has been doped and shouted for help.
2. " I don't feel guilty at all about having doped, " Landis said.
3. Li didn't name and shame these doped athletes and neither did he name the sports involved.
1. under the influence of narcotics
e.g. knocked out by doped wine
a drugged sleep
were under the effect of the drugged sweets
in a stuperous narcotized state
Synonym: drugged narcotized narcotised
2. doped在线翻译
2. treated or impregnated with a foreign substance