1. 昏睡:dope fiend 有毒瘾的人 | dope off 昏睡 | dope out 预测
2. 感到极度疲劳头昏眼花,(好像用了麻醉药品):21. Trouble with what one is reading. 对所阅读内容困难重重. | 22. A datum seems unbelievable. 几乎无法相信教材所述. | Dope-off 感到极度疲劳头昏眼花,(好像用了麻醉药品).
3. 伏卷而睡,像被灌了迷魂汤:13. Glee*.傻笑 | 14. Dope off*.伏卷而睡,像被灌了迷魂汤. | 15. Study statistics dropped for half a day. 学习绩效大滑坡.
4. 昏睡,昏昏沉沉:buy it 相信; | dope off 昏睡,昏昏沉沉; | gassed 喝醉酒的;
1. change from a waking to a sleeping state
e.g. he always falls asleep during lectures
Synonym: fall asleep flake out drift off nod off drop off doze off drowse off