
doorman [ˈdɔ:mən]  [ˈdɔ:rmən] 


doorman 基本解释

名词门房; 门卫,门童

doorman 网络解释

1. 门童:两年前在海南三亚的时候,我大学毕业后找到一份在一家五星级酒店当门童(doorman)的工作,其实每天上班都很悠闲,作息时间严格按国家标准执行,不像在温州要日夜加班,积劳成疾.

2. 看门人:去水池下方 ,用身份证打开工作室的门,在里面拿到钳子(SECATEURS),出屋向左,在一 座建筑物前与看门人(DOORMAN)交谈,得知这是间高级酒店,只有出钱赞助的会 员才可进入.

3. 门卫:在亚都饭店除了严长寿总裁外,还有一个人非常有名,他也是我最喜欢举的例子,那就是门卫(doorman)老吴. 他有多厉害呢?

4. 门房:事情是这样的,当时我住在曼哈顿上西区一幢公寓大楼,门房(doorman)叫Juan,是一位西班牙裔的波多黎各人. 因为Juan的发音和我的Huang很接近,有了这层关系,进出时只要看到他当班,总会和他聊上两句,顺带学点英文会话. 渐渐地我们就熟稔了起来.

doorman 词典解释

1. (俱乐部等的)门卫,看门人
    A doorman is a man who stands at the door of a club, prevents unwanted people from coming in, and makes people leave if they cause trouble.

    e.g. Des, 18, was working as a club doorman.
           德,18 岁,是一家俱乐部的门卫。

2. doorman的反义词

2. 门厅侍者;门卫
    A doorman is a person whose job is to stay by the main entrance of a large building, and help people visiting the building.

doorman 单语例句


1. If our concrete walls are dormant guards who fail to keep the freeze out, then glass is a treacherous doorman that ushers in cold air.

2. " You just look like a doorman, " he said in a recent interview.

3. doorman

3. People walking through doors you've taken the trouble to open with the nonchalance of hotel guests gliding past a doorman.

4. doorman的翻译

4. One laureate still rides a bike on campus and is often mistaken as a gardener or doorman.

5. For three years he sold cars and worked as a doorman at a movie theater.

6. doorman

6. Let's think what a company would do if it fires a doorman for negligence.

7. French president Jacques Chirac talks to the doorman at the Raffle hotel in Singapore.

8. Zooming tight on the doorman's uniform, they made out the logo of the Radisson Hotel.

doorman 英英释义


1. someone who guards an entrance

    Synonym: doorkeeper door guard hall porter porter gatekeeper ostiary
