
domicile [ˈdɒmɪsaɪl]  [ˈdɑ:mɪsaɪl] 


domicile 基本解释

名词住处; 永久住处


domicile 相关例句


1. He is domiciled in London.

domicile 网络解释

1. 注册地:泛指所有不是以本国为注册地(domicile)的基金. 离岸基金的热门注册地包括卢森堡、英国南部的海峡群岛(the Channel Islands)、开曼群岛、百慕达及巴哈马等. 基金选择在这些地区成立,一般是因为此等地区提供免税优惠,

domicile 词典解释

1. 住处;居所
    Your domicile is the place where you live.

domicile 单语例句

1. By 2003, domicile control was announced to have been " totally liberalized ".

2. domicile

2. Reform of the existing domicile control system was launched in various localities in recent years.

3. domicile

3. Their domicile can be registered collectively in the center or that of their relatives.

4. Police checked their domicile registration the next day but failed to find the applicant's name.

5. domicile是什么意思

5. Britain must abandon its anachronistic domicile rules and end its underhand games to eviscerate the EU's savings tax directive.

domicile 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. housing that someone is living in

    e.g. he built a modest dwelling near the pond
           they raise money to provide homes for the homeless

    Synonym: dwelling home abode habitation dwelling house

2. (law) the residence where you have your permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever you are absent, you intend to return
    every person is compelled to have one and only one domicile at a time

    e.g. what's his legal residence?

    Synonym: legal residence


1. make one's home in a particular place or community

    e.g. may parents reside in Florida

    Synonym: reside shack domiciliate
