
domestic [dəˈmestɪk]  [dəˈmɛstɪk] 


domestic 基本解释


形容词国内的; 家庭的,家的; 驯养的; 热心家务的

名词佣人; 国货

domestic 同义词


形容词household tame internal family

名词maid servant

domestic 反义词


形容词foreign wild

domestic 相关例句



1. The meeting concerns both foreign and domestic policies.

2. She likes keeping domestic birds.

3. She is a very domestic sort of woman.

4. Her domestic troubles have ended.


1. Competition between domestics and foreign imports is growing fiercer.

domestic 网络解释


1. 家用的:848 、 套锤 fullers | 849 、 家用的 domestic | 850 、 展性 malleability

domestic 词典解释

1. 国内的;本国的
    Domestic political activities, events, and situations happen or exist within one particular country.

    e.g. ...over 100 domestic flights a day to 15 UK destinations.
    e.g. ...sales in the domestic market.

Opportunities will improve as the company expands domestically and internationally...
Domestically, he's going to make some compromises that he doesn't want to make.

2. 家务的
    Domestic duties and activities are concerned with the running of a home and family.

    e.g. ...a plan for sharing domestic chores.

3. 家用的
    Domestic items and services are intended to be used in people's homes rather than in factories or offices.

    e.g. ...domestic appliances.


4. 家里的;家庭的;居家的
    A domestic situation or atmosphere is one which involves a family and their home.

    e.g. It was a scene of such domestic bliss...
    e.g. I was called out to attend a domestic dispute.

5. 喜爱家庭生活的;乐于操持家务的
    Someone who is domestic enjoys being at home and running a family.

    e.g. She was kind and domestic and put her family before her part-time job.

6. 非野生的;驯养的;作为宠物饲养的
    A domestic animal is one that is not wild and is kept either on a farm to produce food or in someone's home as a pet.

    e.g. ...a domestic cat.

7. 家政工
    A domestic, a domestic help, or a domestic worker is a person who is paid to come to help with the work that has to be done in a house such as the cleaning, washing, and ironing.

domestic 单语例句

1. The country's domestic funds also fell across the board in the first three quarters.

2. The existing limit on the amount of salary domestic firms can deduct as business expenses will no longer apply.

3. She expects the domestic business will grow further next year because it is still a very small part of the firm's total trade.

4. MetLife's international business contributed 12 percent to the company's revenue for 2007, with the growth rate almost double that of the firm's domestic business.


5. Zhang outlines three possible perspectives, in which domestic and overseas business schools form a pyramid.

6. With a global corporate aircraft network, its principal business items include corporate aircraft flights and domestic and international emergency medical airplanes.

7. domestic的解释

7. But the joint venture will not be allowed to conduct business with domestic enterprises or individuals after receiving its licence.

8. domestic的近义词

8. This development has helped the domestic banks to expand their loan portfolios to multinationals and provided a business boost for foreign banks operating in China.

9. The bank's founders need to determine the exact business scope and operation model for it to survive the intensive competition in the domestic financial market.

10. The following story examines the fears of business insiders and analysts over the current problems affecting the operation of the domestic market.

domestic 英英释义


1. a servant who is paid to perform menial tasks around the household

    Synonym: domestic help house servant


1. produced in a particular country

    e.g. domestic wine
           domestic oil

2. of concern to or concerning the internal affairs of a nation

    e.g. domestic issues such as tax rate and highway construction

3. of or involving the home or family

    e.g. domestic worries
           domestic happiness
           they share the domestic chores
           everything sounded very peaceful and domestic
           an author of blood-and-thunder novels yet quite domestic in his taste

4. converted or adapted to domestic use

    e.g. domestic animals
           domesticated plants like maize

    Synonym: domesticated

5. of or relating to the home

    e.g. domestic servant
           domestic science
