






dogs 基本解释
公狗( dog的名词复数 );家伙;夹头;不受欢迎的人;
dogs 网络解释

1. 瘦狗类:瘦狗类(dogs). 这是指市场增长率低,相对市场占有率也低的业务. 企业在这类业务上不占优势,而且市场发展的潜力也不大. 总的来讲,对企业的战略发展产生不了多大影响. 所以除了某些特殊需要之外,企业一般没有必要保留这样的业务,

2. 瘦狗:问题 (problem) 现金牛(cash cow)瘦狗 (dogs) 现金牛:低增长,高市场份额.给组织带来大量的现金收入,但增长前景有限. 战略事业单位(SBU)代表一种单一的事业或相关的事业组合,可以指企业的产品,也可以指一个集团下面的各个企业. 将全面质量管理(TQM)作为一种战略武器

3. 狗类:瘦狗类(dogs). 这是指市场增长率低,相对市场占有率也低的业务. 企业在这类业务上不占优势,而且市场发展的潜力也不大. 总的来讲,对企业的战略发展产生不了多大影响. 所以除了某些特殊需要之外,企业一般没有必要保留这样的业务,

4. dogs:database of genome sizes; 基因规模数据库

dogs 单语例句

1. The businessman loves participating in dog shows and said he has trained several breeds of dogs before but none of them won any prizes.

2. Cheryl is also allegedly determined to keep the pair's Chihuahua dogs Coco and Buster.

3. Police and animal protection volunteers rescued six dogs from the clutches of an unlicensed butcher in Mentougou district last Friday.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. You see referees abroad who are as fit as butcher's dogs.

5. The work paused momentarily to allow two dogs from a Turkish cadaver team to search the wreckage for missing bodies or body parts.

6. dogs什么意思

6. Cadaver dogs and boatloads of forensic workers fanned out Saturday across New Orleans to collect the corpses left behind by Hurricane Katrina.

7. Even when cadaver dogs pick up a scent, workers say they frequently can't get at the bodies without heavy equipment.

8. Over the past weeks, investigators used cadaver dogs and brought in garden rakes to comb through the trash.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. The centre also has a hospital and a dog cafeteria, while professional pet attendants and training experts ensure the dogs are treated well.

10. A Californian company recently produced a range of hairpieces for cats and dogs.
