
doggo [ˈdɒgəʊ]  [ˈdɔ:goʊ] 

doggo 基本解释
doggo 网络解释

1. 躲藏地:doggish 狗一样的 | doggo 躲藏地 | doggone 可憎的

2. 静静躲着的/不动的:boggle 由于胆怯而犹豫 | doggo 静静躲着的/不动的 | dogged 顽固的

3. 静静躲着的/不动的anY中国英语学习网:boggle 由于胆怯而犹豫anY中国英语学习网 | doggo 静静躲着的/不动的anY中国英语学习网 | dogged 顽固的anY中国英语学习网

4. 隐秘地:doggishdoggy 狗一样的 | doggo 隐秘地 | doggo 隐匿地

doggo 双语例句


1. Promise to lie absolutely doggo, or I shan't say anything.

2. You'd better lie doggo, ` I advised her out of my own nervousnessbJohn M.

3. You'd better lie doggo, ` I advised her out of my own nervousness John M.

4. You'd better lie doggo, ` I advised her out of my own nervousness bJohn M.


5. The frightened boy lay doggo in his tent.


6. Yes, I understood, when I look like him to be the same, must be lonelier than the Bulukelin bridge, must be lonelier than Hudson rive, I only remain silent sky, for my lie doggo.
    是的,我理解,当我象他一样,比布鲁克林大桥还要寂寞,比哈德逊河还要寂寞,我只剩一片缄默的天空,为我保守秘密。3 S9

7. 5After crash, everytime he past u, he wil show u dat he nt care anymore, bt u wont eva know, wen after u turn away, he wil b doggo n look at yr back n cry.

8. The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack until the searchers had gone away.


9. 'You'd better lie doggo, 'I advised her out of my own nervousness (bJohn M. Myers)

10. I lay doggo in my tent.

doggo 英英释义


1. quietly in concealment

    e.g. he lay doggo

    Synonym: out of sight in hiding
