
doe [dəʊ]  [doʊ] 


doe 基本解释



doe 相关例句


1. A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety.

doe 网络解释

1. 母鹿:每个一个猎鹿场都分3个区域的,后面经常要打3只公鹿(BUCK)或者2只公鹿2只母鹿(doe))一个区域往往不够的所以要到处跑的. )在交通工具上一个是噪声大,根本没法接近鹿的,有时鹿吓跑了都浑然不知. 再有一大弊端就是没法用追踪这项关键能力了(TRACKING B键).

2. 能源部:这个程序基于世界上最老的计算机代数系统之一: 由美国能 源部(DOE)发行的 MIT Macsyma 系统. 它是用 Common Lisp 实现的. 很多现在的符号 计算程序比如 Maple 都从 MAXIMA 身上学到很多东西. 它现在经过 DOE 批准以GPL发 行,

3. 美国能源部:所以也有协会针对不同用途的LED制定新的测量标准以国际照明委员会(Commission InternationaLEDel Eclairage;CIE)为例,其在2007年大幅修订原有的LED测量技术文件CIE-127,但因诸多争议,仍有诸多测量问题待解决,而由美国能源 部(DOE)所主导,其配合固态照明产品的推广进程,

4. doe:diffractive optics elements; 衍射光学元件

5. doe:designs of experiment; 实验设计

6. doe:designs of experiments; 试验设计

7. doe:diffractive optical elements; 衍射光学器件

doe 词典解释

1. doe的解释

1. 雌兔;雌鹿
    A doe is an adult female rabbit, hare, or deer.

doe 单语例句

1. Webb says he filed the Los Angeles Superior Court civil lawsuit on Wednesday on behalf of an entertainment executive identified only as Jane Doe.

2. doe

2. Johnson filed the lawsuit in April on behalf of the reporter, identified only as Jane Doe.

3. The DOE will provide tools to conduct the plant audits and train factory personnel on plant auditing techniques.

4. The DOE will then conduct a comparison study of these Chinese enterprises and US manufacturing plants to identify differences in best practices.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. When I came to DOE in the summer of 1993, it took me over a year to figure out how to really get things done.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Sullivan is publicizing several fundraisers for the woman, known among her supporters as Richmond Jane Doe.

7. doe的翻译

7. The federal judge in Sacramento on Friday denied Doe's request for a preliminary injunction to block the deployment.

8. The mother was identified in court as " Jane Doe " to protect the identity of her son.


9. A little pricey for the average Jane Doe like me, but well worth it.

10. Among the diplomats named in the television broadcast were Marc Doe and Paul Crompton.

doe 英英释义



1. mature female of mammals of which the male is called `buck'
