1. 可塑性:do well 进展情况良好进展情况良好 | docility 可塑性 | doctrinaire 空谈理论者
2. 顺从:docile 听话的 | docility 顺从 | dock charge 码头费
3. 易处理:dobie 裸露药包 | docility 易处理 | dock 码头
4. 温顺,驯良:dochmiasis 钩(口线)虫病,寄生虫性恶性病质 | docility 温顺,驯良 | docimasia 检查,检验
1. Subsequent rulers down the centuries basically framed him, making him into a spiritual leader teaching subjects the virtue of docility.
1. docility的近义词
1. the trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable