
dizzying [ˈdɪziɪŋ] [ˈdiziŋ] 









dizzying 基本解释
令人昏乱的,灿烂的;使人眩晕的( dizzy的现在分词 );头昏眼花的;引起头晕的;愚蠢的;
dizzying 网络解释


1. 令人昏乱的:dizzy 晕眩的 | dizzying 令人昏乱的 | dizzyingly 令人昏乱地

2. 令人眩晕的:endowment 捐赠 | dizzying 令人眩晕的 | package 包装

3. 令人头晕目眩 }:embracing { 包括 } | dizzying { 令人头晕目眩 } | vast { 浩大 }

4. 令人昏乱的,极快的:roller coster:过山车,情绪急转突变 | dizzying:令人昏乱的,极快的 | loop:环,圈

dizzying 单语例句

1. In addition to feats of dizzying athleticism, the troupe members perform skits with a great deal of fun and humor.

2. dizzying的解释

2. And with women's high heels hitting dizzying heights, it is something the fashion conscious are going to find out all about.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He also attributed his loss of vision to the dizzying white walls of his cubicle, in which he often tried in vain to sleep.

4. The 20 minute ride is not for those with a fear of heights as we swing out and down over dizzying drops.

5. Already, they are spoiled for choice with a dizzying array of itineraries to choose from.

6. dizzying的意思

6. The change is dizzying - many of the structures have opened just within the past year - but city planners shrug it off.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Two slim handrails sandwiched it and if one looked straight down, one could see the train tracks pass at a dizzying speed.

8. They are causing us to become paralyzed by the dizzying number of options that they spawn.

9. But by late afternoon, major Asian indexes had pulled back from a dizzying tailspin earlier in the day.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. Hotels and restaurants offer a dizzying array of overpriced choices, some including acts by entertainers du jour.
