1. The court is divided into two halves, with each goal surrounded by two'D'shaped areas.
2. When it comes to the possibility of shifting the car into reverse by mistake, opinions are divided.
3. divided into
3. The recruitment work is divided into three stages and will be completed by the end of 2007.
4. The pavilion will be in the shape of a large square divided into four sections by a crossroads reflecting its national flag.
5. The ponds were divided by water temperature into warm, hot and very hot ponds.
6. The fish can be divided into three categories by weight, he says.
7. China's armed forces are divided into the active and reserve service.
8. But Ma said a law for compensation cases that are divided into two categories of criminal and administrative still did not exist.
9. The center will be spread over 100 square meters and divided into a sales zone and a tasting zone.
10. divided into的反义词
10. " The encyclopedia will be divided into three volumes in chronological order, " said Zhu.