
dittany ['dɪtənɪ]  ['dɪtənɪ] 

dittany 基本解释


dittany 网络解释


1. 白藓:ditropan tablet 尿多灵频尿丸 | dittany 白藓 | ditto machine 复印机

2. 白藓属:dithyrambic 狂热的 | dittany 白藓属 | ditto mark 同上符号

3. 白鲜:Bezoar 毛糞石 從羊胃裡取出來的石頭,用來解毒非常有效. | Dittany 白鮮 | Dried nettles 乾蕁麻

4. 白藓属的植物:dithyramb 酒神的赞美歌 | dittany 白藓属的植物 | dittography 重复的误写

dittany 双语例句

1. Of or in the manner of a dithyramb ditokous:...
    愚蠢的,马虎的,粗心大意的 dittany

2. Since in Her all is dittany

3. Dittany Of Crete: burned to conjure spirits and to aid in astral projection (especially when mixed with equal parts of Benzoin, sandalwood, and vanilla).

4. No sword, said Harry through gritted teeth, as he dripped dittany through the singed hole in his jeans onto the angry burn beneath.

dittany 英英释义


1. dittany

1. Eurasian perennial herb with white flowers that emit flammable vapor in hot weather

    Synonym: fraxinella burning bush gas plant Dictamnus alba
