
distrust [dɪsˈtrʌst]  [dɪsˈtrʌst] 






distrust 基本解释


及物动词不信任; 怀疑

名词不信任,猜疑; 疑惑,不相信

distrust 同义词

动词suspect mistrust

名词misgiving suspicion mistrust

distrust 反义词



distrust 相关例句



1. He distrusted his own father.

2. The old man distrusts banks so he keeps his money at home.


1. He has a distrust of foreigners.

2. The child looked at the stranger with distrust.

distrust 网络解释


1. 不信任:它也指讨厌(hatred)或不信任(distrust)另一种性别[讨厌女人(misogyny)或讨厌男人(misandry害怕女人(gynophobia)或害怕男人(androphobia)],或对男人使用具有男子气(masculinity)的模式化观念(stereotype)而对女人使用女性化(femininity)的模式化观念.

2. 不信用:district 地区 | distrust 不信用 | disturb 搅乱

3. 不信任他人:v过度警觉 hyperviglance | v不信任他人 distrust | v焦 虑 anxiety

4. 不信任,怀疑:6, Paradox 悖论 | 7, Distrust 不信任,怀疑 | 8, Blurring 弄脏,模糊不清

distrust 词典解释

1. 不信任;怀疑
    If you distrust someone or something, you think they are not honest, reliable, or safe.

    e.g. I don't have any particular reason to distrust them.

2. 不信任;怀疑
    Distrust is the feeling of doubt that you have towards someone or something you distrust.

    e.g. What he saw there left him with a profound distrust of all political authority.
    e.g. ...a decision that should help to dispel much of the atmosphere of distrust.

distrust 单语例句

1. That is the belief of Robert Frost whose distrust to translation has been ceaselessly echoed by writers.

2. The prevailing distrust of public officials has not come out of nowhere.

3. distrust

3. Jones said women experience pressure to have unprotected sex and that their partners often consider insistence on using a condom as sign of distrust.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The decorator is not alone in his distrust in the alternatives to lining up outside the train station.

5. But the collateral damage is too severe to be affordable - the distrust is now spilling into all official charitable institutions.

6. distrust的反义词

6. Any major discrepancy between the official Afghan and US accounts of the killing is likely to deepen the distrust.

7. Administrative orders and forced eviction will only create distrust, instability and disharmony.

8. Some of them involved many tragic deaths, but reporting them did not dishearten society or fuel distrust between the government and citizens.

9. distrust的翻译

9. But the malpractice and dishonour of several members is enough to spark distrust.

10. To dispel distrust and suspicion, the coalition needs to demonstrate strong leadership and prove that its government really works.

distrust 英英释义



1. the trait of not trusting others

    Synonym: distrustfulness mistrust

2. danci.911cha.com

2. doubt about someone's honesty

    Synonym: misgiving mistrust suspicion


1. regard as untrustworthy
    regard with suspicion
    have no faith or confidence in

    Synonym: mistrust suspect
