distribution channel

distribution channel [ˌdistriˈbju:ʃən ˈtʃænl]  [ˌdɪstrəˈbjuʃən ˈtʃænəl] 

distribution channel 基本解释


distribution channel 网络解释

distribution channel

1. 销售渠道:前者通常指利用网络技术(特别是互联网)手段来开展金融服务,是近年来刚刚兴起的一种新的金融服务和金融产品的实现方式或销售渠道(distribution channel).

2. 渠道:常用的维度有时间(time),地域(geography),产品(product),部门(department),及渠道(distribution channel)等,但用户可以根据企业自身行为特点总结出各种维度.

3. 分销途径:dissolution 解散;解体 | distribution channel 分销途径 | distributor 经销商;分销商

distribution channel 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The distribution channel of the false currency has become more diversified recently, the police said.

2. " The agreement preserves the bulk of The Outdoor Channel's distribution, " Outdoor Channel said in a statement.

3. distribution channel

3. Too many legacy assets and a traditional distribution channel in the CRT business prevented TCL from keeping up with market change.

4. Analysts said the acquisition could help Novartis expand its distribution channel in the most effective and efficient manner in China.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. And while the distribution channel is expected to bring cheaper imported products to local households, it should also introduce Chinese agricultural products to the world.

6. " The distribution channel will not be smooth unless the pipeline network is constructed, " the unidentified Sinopec source adds.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. A nationwide distribution network and 100 regional logistics centers have also been set up to provide a comprehensive distribution channel.

8. Restructuring the distribution channel is a way for companies to free up cash and increase profits.

9. Aviva's life insurance joint venture broke even after six years of operation, thanks to its employing independent Chinese financial advisors as an alternative channel for distribution.

10. That would be a boon for US studios, which are eager to create a new channel for legal film distribution in China.

distribution channel 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. a way of selling a company's product either directly or via distributors

    e.g. possible distribution channels are wholesalers or small retailers or retail chains or direct mailers or your own stores

    Synonym: channel
