
distressing [dɪˈstresɪŋ]  [dɪˈstrɛsɪŋ] 









distressing 基本解释


形容词使人痛苦的,令人苦恼的; 凄凄惨惨

distressing 网络解释

1. 破坏处理:accumulation of dust.dirt.stains & smudges under the finish 油漆下灰尘.垃圾.颜料.污点.堆积 | distressing 破坏处理 | bear-tracking 敲边

2. 悲伤的:distressful 使苦恼的 | distressing 悲伤的 | distributary 分流

3. 沮丧的:distress 沮丧 | distressing 沮丧的 | controversy 相矛盾的、相背的

4. 使痛苦的:distressfulgnawing 使苦恼的 | distressing 使痛苦的 | distressinggalling 使烦恼的

distressing 词典解释

1. 使人痛苦的;令人苦恼的;使人忧虑的
    If something is distressing, it upsets you or worries you.

    e.g. It is very distressing to see your baby attached to tubes and monitors...
    e.g. Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.

...a distressingly large bloodstain.
distressing 单语例句

1. distressing的近义词

1. The British government condemned the publication of the " distressing " video and renewed a call for his release.

2. The handsome midfielder has spent many years battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a distressing mental condition which forces its suffers to perform strange rituals.

3. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called Friday's video " distressing " and expressed sympathy for her family.

4. distressing什么意思

4. Instant success seems to be the goal of many younger academics, a distressing number of whom resort to plagiarism to get ahead.

5. The idea of a refuge from the tiresome daily work and distressing relationships sounds enticing to most people.

6. distressing的翻译

6. It could pave the way for a new class of dieting drugs that help people shed pounds without distressing side effects.

7. Laura Tyler for the trio - who were not in court - said the articles had been distressing.

8. So he also made a point Sunday that the Rockets'distressing loss to the Utah Jazz was not a playoff game.

9. But the pollution is distressing to the many people in Louisiana who have a deep attachment to the lake.

10. distressing

10. Some of the most distressing calls include callers who hang up during a conversation.

distressing 英英释义



1. distressing什么意思

1. bad

    e.g. my finances were in a deplorable state
           a lamentable decision
           her clothes were in sad shape
           a sorry state of affairs

    Synonym: deplorable lamentable pitiful sad sorry

2. causing distress or worry or anxiety

    e.g. distressing (or disturbing) news
           lived in heroic if something distressful isolation
           a disturbing amount of crime
           a revelation that was most perturbing
           a new and troubling thought
           in a particularly worrisome predicament
           a worrying situation
           a worrying time

    Synonym: distressful disturbing perturbing troubling worrisome worrying
