1. 心神恍惚的:distrainerdistrainor 扣押人 | distrait 心神恍惚的 | distress-gun 遇险信号炮
2. 心不在焉的:distract 转移注意力 | distrait 心不在焉的 | dock 剪短; 扣除...的一部分工资
3. 心神恍惚的,心不在焉的:retraction 缩进,取消,撤回 | distrait 心神恍惚的,心不在焉的 | distraught 心神狂乱的
4. 心不在焉的/心神恍惚的:distraint /扣押/ | distrait /心不在焉的/心神恍惚的/ | distraught /烦恼的/心痛的/发狂的/
1. As we sprint from one appointment to the next and frantically try to juggle a half dozen duties in the course of a day, we can become frazzled and distrait.
2. Civil execution auction is a kind of auction during civil execution procedure, which means the execution organization implement auction of seizure, distrait property to realize the property realization according to effective legal writ.
3. When she did not occupy her accustomed chair at the seminar, Freud felt uneasy and distrait (Times Literary Supplement)