
dissenting [dɪ'sentɪŋ]  [dɪ'sentɪŋ] 








dissenting 基本解释



动词不同意,持异议( dissent的现在分词 )

dissenting 网络解释

1. 异议:美国联邦最高法院历史上有不少判决之所以著名不是因为法院的多数意见而恰恰是因为与之对立但又与当时的时代脉搏一起跳动的反对意见,即异议(dissenting).

2. 不同意的:dissentient 反对的 | dissenting 不同意的 | dissentious 好争论的

3. 有异议的:modesty 谦虚 | dissenting 有异议的 | unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的

4. 不同意的 (形):dissentient 不赞成的; 反对的 (形) | dissenting 不同意的 (形) | dissepiment 中隔 (名)

dissenting 单语例句

1. Bye dismissed the conclusions of his fellow judges, just as he did on April 29 in dissenting against a temporary stay.

2. dissenting的翻译

2. The move was calculated to win over enough dissenting House members to get the bill through and reverse Monday's stunning defeat in the House.

3. Less than 40 hospitals had the device equipped after dissenting voices became stronger and discouraged the government from installing more.

4. Publishing Pal's dissenting opinion was banned under the occupation of GHQ.

5. A nave few would only believe dissenting voices in a public hearing could ultimately kill a government initiative.

6. The narrative also shows that dissenting legal views about the severe interrogation methods were brushed aside repeatedly.

7. If there were dissenting voices trying to dissuade the protesters, they weren't taken seriously in the battle to protect cultural integrity.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. She declined to comment on individual dissenting views but said the committee adopted an open approach to consider different opinions.

9. Most in the movie business agree on the need for a rating system for children, but some dissenting voices remain.

10. Most in the movie business agree on the need for a rating system for children, but dissenting voices remain.
