
dissatisfied [dɪsˈsætɪsfaɪd]  [dɪsˈsætɪsˌfaɪd] 





dissatisfied 基本解释

形容词感到不满的,不满意的,不高兴的; 显出不满的


dissatisfied 相关例句



1. He had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

2. She was dissatisfied with her salary.

dissatisfied 网络解释

1. 不满意的:但对于不满意的(dissatisfied)的修正主义(revisionist)国家来说,安全并非其首要目标,攫取利益才是其目标. 对现状不满意的国家常常会追随(而不是制衡)另一个正在崛起的试图挑战和改变现存国际秩序的国家,因为追随后者才有可能打碎压在它身上的现状枷锁,

2. 不满的:dissatisfactory 令人不满的令人不满的 | dissatisfied 不满的 | dissatisfied factors 非满足因素

3. 感到不满意的;不平的:displeased感到不愉快的;令人生气的 | dissatisfied感到不满意的;不平的 | distasteful令人厌恶的;不合口味的

4. 不满意的(含有抱怨的意味):193. unsatisfied 不满意的(指不满足) | dissatisfied 不满意的(含有抱怨的意味) | 194. valuable 价值大的;贵重的

dissatisfied 词典解释

1. 不满的;不高兴的
    If you are dissatisfied with something, you are not contented or pleased with it.

    e.g. 82% of voters are dissatisfied with the way their country is being governed...
           82% 的选民对本国的治理方式不满意。
    e.g. Dissatisfied customers can return the product for a full refund...

dissatisfied 单语例句

1. Hui said the sports community was dissatisfied with any relocation and said the CE had promised to develop the sports city in his election platform.

2. Respondents who opposed the plan were dissatisfied with proposals to restrict car use, the number of new cars allowed on the road and a congestion charge.

3. dissatisfied什么意思

3. Employees dissatisfied with their pay have the right to choose representatives or trade unions to discuss the issue with their employers.

4. Chinese media said adidas suppliers were dissatisfied with compensation offers following contract terminations.

5. But thousands of followers dissatisfied with being taken out of the fight have formed a loose confederation armed and trained by Iran.

6. The defeat came despite daily appeals for passage by President Bush, whose standing is troubled by sagging poll numbers and a dissatisfied conservative base.

7. Dissatisfied with the dental work and known for his hot temper, the monkey escaped from the lab around 1 pm on Saturday.

8. Even if the public are dissatisfied with certain public security bureaus, they cannot find channels through which they can easily express this dissatisfaction.

9. China is " strongly dissatisfied and firmly opposed " to this, said the spokesman.

10. Ren was dissatisfied with the report forecasting price drops, which would make potential homebuyers wait longer and cause developers to suffer profit losses.

dissatisfied 英英释义


1. in a state of sulky dissatisfaction

    Synonym: disgruntled
