1. 气质:分裂 Cleavage | 气质 Dispositions | 方差分析 Analysis of Variance
2. 形篇:谋攻篇 Offensive Strategy | 形篇 Dispositions | 卷中 VOLUME II
3. 痕迹(是内隐、暗藏、非意识的一个同义词):direful 可怕的 | dispositions 痕迹(是内隐、暗藏、非意识的一个同义词) | dispositional space 痕迹空间
1. The emotional dispositions of intangible heritage are so implicit that they may not be fully recognized even by the organizers.
2. Local Kazak horses are known for their pleasant personalities and gentle dispositions.
3. The pressures within China's banking system as it converts from a planned economy to a capitalistic market will ultimately force stronger and faster NPL dispositions.